As Time Goes On

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5th Grade
   My best friend Aliyyah moved back to New York a few weeks ago. We became so close the past few years we were always in the same class. But since she moved so far away from Florida we had no way to talk to each other.  And my mom wouldn't give me any stamps or anything for me to send her letters my step dad would always tease me and say I was talking to a boy but little do they know no boy ever talks to me.
   It was the first day on fifth grade. But the fifth grade was moved to the middle school so it was even more nerve wreaking having to learn where everything was at. I was so alone not having my best friend with me. I never talked to any one else but Aliyyah because people still picked on me. This year was different I didn't get hand-me-downs from my sister my cousin had clothes for days that she never wore or barely wore and she gave me most of them.  And we got new shoes and I felt like this year is going to be different!
   A few weeks past I started to get use to everything and people talked to me here and there mainly to copy my work. But there was this one group of girls that picked on me the most. They always had something to say to me and it was always something very hurtful. But this one boy always stood up for me, Mario. He was very nice to me and it made the girls jealous. His close friend soon talked to me too and we all became friends. They weren't girls so I couldn't talk to them about almost anything but we still talked.  Since the girls didn't like how the guys liked an me got along really goo they got mad and started to say things about me but brought the whole school into it.
   The boys stood up go me they were liked big brothers protecting me and I was happy. But that all slowly became to fade away...

6th Grade
It was the start of 6th grade but again I was alone, Mario moved back to Texas and it was very sad because we slowly started to grow feelings for each other I never knew why he liked me and did he really like me for me? Aliyyah was still in New York I didn't know if I would ever see her again and still didn't have a way to talk to her. I was again alone and the bulling continued but got worse.
   A few months past and this girl was trying to get me and this boy, David, together. She said we looked cute together and I never really interested in boys since Mario and the bulling got worse. But this girl was very convinced that I should date David. But he was one of the popular kids and I knew he was just going to make fun of me. I told the girl no but the next day became the worse day ever!
I went to school as usual and kids were looking at me and laughing. I started to tear up and ran to the bathroom I looked at my self and tried to figure out why the boys were laughing at me. But I couldn't find anything, the bell rang so I just went to class. The day went on and kids were laughing at me and I didn't know what was going on. When walking to PE this boy ran up to me, "did David say yes or no" he said so loud that everyone heard. Everyone laughed and I just stood there confused and hurt. I soon found out that girl went and told David that I liked him and we should go out. David told her nothing but walked away. He then told all his friends and then everyone soon found out and joked about it to me. At the end of the day I was looking down trying so hard not to cry and not to let anyone notice but this boy ran up to me and looked at me and screamed "your so ugly no one will ever like you!" These girls jumped in "why would you think he would like a ugly thing like your self!" I ran passed them and ran to the back of my bus, I cried and cried. Once my bus stopped at my stop I ran home and my mom and stepdad saw me. "Alani why are you crying what happened?" My mom said as she grabbed me. "I never want to go back to school I hate everyone!" I screamed. "Stop being a drama queen and go do your homework stop trying to get attention!" My stepdad yelled at me while grabbing my mom to let me go. My mom didn't say nothing and I cried even harder. I tried to stop crying before my stepdad yelled at me more, I did my homework and listened to music. Did anything to get my mind off those kids.
    After I was done I walked in the bathroom. I looked in them mirror again wondering why I looked this ugly. "Why am I the one to look like this? What did I ever do to those kids for them to say those things?" I said to my self as I cried more and more. I turned on the water as I began to undress. I got in the shower and just sat in the warm water.  I sat in the water for about 10 minutes just thinking about everything people told me my whole like. "Your so ugly no one will ever like you!" "Why would you think he would like a ugly thing like your self!" "Stop being a drama queen!" I just want to scream! I wanted to end it all! "Why am I here!?" I said to my self. I then saw Destiny's razor sitting on the self, she started to save when she got into 8th grade. I just looked at the razor so many things were running threw my mind. "Should I just do it? I mean I been sitting in here for like 15 minutes no one hasn't came to check on me. They don't care about me, nobody does. I do want to just end all this pain and forget all of this."
   I sat there looking at the floor and the pink razor in my right hand. Wondering should I?...

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