Chapter (1)

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Is it me or does anyone else think that happily ever after's don't exist, I mean who rides off into the sunset and lives happily forever?  Come on, get real. I for one do not believe that  can happen....I mean sure they may be happy that night or for the next few years but there is no way in the world that a two people who love each other that much can never not be happy. It just doesn't happen. Now I know I'm rambling but hey a girl's got to talk to her diary sometime right? I mean what kind of teenage girl would I be if I didn't talk to my diary. I would be a quack. That's what kind of girl I would be, luckily for you dear diary I am no quack but I am an adorable little bundle of glitter. So diary here we are, just me, you and Alex ....though he thinks I'm doing homework but typical Alex doesn't have a clue that I'm writing in you or technically on you. Anyway that's enough of my rambling for now. –Mitchie

            "Alexander I'm hungry" I yell to my best friend even though he is only two feet away at the end of my bed. "Michelle we've talked about this stop yelling when you're right next to me" he chuckles, stretching his long legs out to slightly kick me. "Hey keep your feet to yourself or I'm telling my mom" I threaten as I get off my bed to place kitty (yes I've named my laptop but hey people name their cars) on my desk.  "Your mother loves me as much as she loves you and Greg" Alex replies as he stands up and walks to the door. "She does not love you or Greg, she loves me and me only" I taunt as I plug in kitty. Scoffing and rolling his eyes Alex opens the door and makes his way  down to the kitchen or at least I hope he was going to the kitchen. Grabbing my phone I follow my lovely best friend but as it turns out I don't have the same gravitational pull that everyone else seems to have because in my journey down the stairs I may have missed a stair or two and almost ended flat on my face but luckily well lucky for me at least, my brother and a few of his friends happened to be heading up the stairs at the same time and instead of falling completely on my face I fall into what feels like a brick wall. "Son of a bitch" I grumble holding my nose as someone helps me off the wall of bricks I fell on top of. "I think I should be the one saying that considering I took most of the fall" the human brick wall says as I tip my head back to try and stop the blood gushing from my nose. "It was 5 stairs, you're fine, plus I'm the one with the bleeding nose" I argue nasally as the brick wall stands up. "Should tip your head back if you want to stop the bleeding" he suggests tipping my head back for me. My brother who like the big nerd he is has just looked on during this whole incident suddenly speaks up "Careful with Mitchie, she's Alex's girl". I stare at my brother wishing that my wish of laser powers would come true and he would melt on the spot but as always nothing happens. Flipping my brother off I look up at the wall of bricks that's still holding my head tipped back. "So wall of bricks how is life?" I ask trying to make the situation a little less weird. Before he can reply Alex decides to make his appearance, where was he when I almost died? "I got you some ice" He says handing me towel filled with ice, not really sure what I was supposed to do with it but  I took it anyway because well you can't just not take the help someone is offering. "Thanks" I reply as I slowly bring my head back down. The bleeding had stopped and now I was surrounded by 4 guys who were all looking at me like I was a fragile looking bunny, well 2 of them were, Alex was looking at me with this weird look he's been getting lately and wall of bricks was looking at Alex. "So who want's food?" I ask trying to break the awkwardness that was getting kind of weird. "I do" All the guys said at the same time. Little did I know this night was the night that everything would begin.

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