~ Chapter 8 ~

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'Alright, so does anyone still have any questions?' Miss Tor looked around the class with a haughty look on her face.

Kelly hated the old woman. But she also felt kind of sorry for her. She had to be, like, 60 years old? And she still had no husband. Poor, old lady.

But how could a man find a lady like her attractive? Her nose was too pointy, her eyes too dark and her voice so annoyingly loud.

Kelly looked at the table beside her, where a girl with a round face and big brown eyes was doodling in her notebook.

It was Sharon, of course. Kelly liked her attitude. She wasn't loud or competitive, but that girl knew what she wanted. It was the look in her eyes, screaming "I'm not interested!" whenever anybody came too close.

Ha. Kelly still remembered that time when Hayden had aimed at Sharon's little brother. What was his name again? Emo... no, Eliam or something. What fun had it been to watch Hayden humiliating herself just to satisfy her.

For the first time in her life she hadn't been the black sheep, the scapegoat. For the first time she hadn't been the one that was always talking too much, laughing too loudly and being too bossy.

Well, maybe she'd still been like that, but people weren't judging her for it anymore. People had been taking their kids from kindergarten because she was so-called harassing them, because she wanted to get attention, but now everybody wanted to be her friend and every parent was proud knowing their kid was in the same class as some one so sweet, so kind, so... popular.

Bunch of hypocritical cows.

Sharon was still doodling when Miss Tor declared the meeting to be finished and when the students were already packing their bags, Sharon still didn't make any attempt at finishing her drawing.

"Hey, Shar," Kelly tried, laying a hand on her shoulder. "You are free to go now."

Sharon stopped drawing and looked up, surprised.

"Where's Miss Tor?" she asked with a soft voice.

"Already gone," Kelly chuckled.

"Oh." She kept sitting there, staying silent, apparently not minding the awkwardness of their conversation.

"Have I missed something important?" she asked, after a long moment of silence.

"You mean, concerning this meeting? I don't think so. If it depends on this bunch of geeks, this party will be lamer than ever. But I know how we can-" Kelly waited to see if she still had Sharon's attention.

Nope. She had already lost all her interest and she was staring at the unfinished drawing in her notebook.
Kelly didn't ever expect that she would be the one to receive the "I'm not interested, talk to the hand" expression that she had admired so much when she was giving it to other people. But not when it was meant for her.

Kelly had wanted to believe that they could be a team, that Sharon would just love to hear what cool plans she had in mind.

Alright, so maybe winning Sharon would be harder than she'd wanted to admit.

But, whatever, she was up for a challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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