~ Chapter 7 ~

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The next morning Sharon woke up an hour earlier to avoid her mom and younger brother Emiel. She didn't want to talk to anyone, just like last night, when she had come home and immediately gone upstairs to her room, ignoring her mother calling her name.

When she arrived at school, she didn't see anyone she knew – except for Hayden and her little clique, but no way she was going to talk to them!

When Jonna finally arrived, she walked straight to her, forgetting their last fight, how angry she had been with her yesterday and how Jonna had been avoiding her like all the time.

'Can I talk to you?' she asked. 'Please?'

Jonna seemed surprised, but she did listen.

'Alright, yesterday evening, you know when I had that boring meeting about-' Jonna nodded, understanding. Sharon could see she still wasn't over the fact she hadn't become class representative. But she could also see she was trying her best to be happy for her best friend. That's why she loved her so much.

'-and then suddenly I saw Hayden,' Sharon continued. 'I absolutely have no idea what she was doing, but-'

'Well, what did she say?' Jonna interrupted her, looking bored. Of course, she was getting tired of the whole Hayden-thing. Just a week ago, they had avoided her like she had some sort of contagious illness (even in their conversations, they had barely talked about Hayden) and right now she was the only thing they were talking about.

'Okay, she said – trust me, I didn't understand a word of it – that I knew things I weren't supposed to know and that I shouldn't tell anyone or I would get hurt or something.'

Sharon saw Jonna turn pale. So she knew something about it.

'What? Tell me, what was she talking about?' she said pushily.

But Jonna shook her head. 'No, nothing. I honestly don't know what she was talking about. Why didn't you just ask her?'

Sharon sighed impatiently. 'Because she was gone before I could think of anything!' she answered indignantly.

Jonna rolled her eyes. 'Well, whatever. I guess you shouldn't worry about it. I mean, she said: if you tell someone, you will get hurt. Right?'

Sharon nodded, still impatient, cause she knew Jonna was hiding something for her – again.

'So if you don't know anything, you can't tell anyone. Therefore, no one will get hurt!'

Sharon sighed again.

'Yeah, right. Piece of cake, isn't it?' she reacted sarcastically.

Jonna obviously didn't notice, because she smiled back genuinely.

'No, seriously. You really think it's that easy? We're talking about Hayden here.'

'Yeah, so?' Jonna reacted nervously.

'If we won't tell, she thinks she's won. But I'm not going to let her win this time. I'm not, okay?' Sharon yelled.

'Okay, okay. Calm down. Please.' Jonna raised her hands. 

'You have to admit that I'm right, Jon. Come on, we finally got something to...' She lowered her voice, when she realized Hayden could be spying on them from somewhere inside the crowd. 'We can finally give her a hard time. After all these times she made a fool of us, we can now say: "who's laughing now?"'

Jonna chuckled. 'Yeah, maybe. But is that really what you want to do? Hayden's last prank was years ago and she might still be making fun of us behind our backs, but that's their problem, not ours.'

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