Beautiful Now

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Songspiration: Beautiful Now by Zedd

Scott POV:

"Scott, come dance with me!" Mitch yelled over the music. We were at a new club, and Mitch was having the time of his life. He didn't give me time to reply before he grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the dance floor. When we were there, he turned and smiled one of his perfect smiles at me and fixed his perfect hair. God, I love him. But I doubt he feels the same way. He started dancing, and so did I. I watched him dance, moving his perfect hips, swaying slightly, when he looked up to me, his perfect brown eyes locking with my pale blue ones. We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity before he looked away, yelling "I love this song!" And smiling again. "What is it?" I yelled back. "Beautiful Now!" He replied. We danced a little more, before he said "I'm tired!" I laughed and said "I'm getting there. Should we go home?" He nodded, and we left.

Mitch POV:

I wasn't really tired. But I wanted to have some time with Scott. We've been in the studio a lot lately, so whenever we get home, we're exhausted. I miss cuddling with him on the couch, watching Spongebob and drinking Chardonnay. I'll admit it: I like him. In more than a friendly way.

Scott's POV:

I thought of a plan while on the way home. That song Mitch loves that was played at the club is exactly how I feel about us. I haven't worked out the details, but let's just say that if everything works out, and he does feel the same about me, Scömíche will be real by the end of the night.

Mitch POV:

I really want to do something for Scott, but I have absolutely no clue what. He seemed very focused on the way home, but not on the road, judging by his constant speeding and almost hitting 2 cars. I wonder what's going through his mind.

*magical jump into the future known as a time skip to Scott's plan the next evening*

Mitch's POV:

"Hey, Miranda! Can you come here?" I heard Scott call from the living room. I sighed and got up, walking to the living room, not expecting what I saw. The living room was dim, only lit by a few candles. At the table sat an amazing looking dinner, and standing in the middle of the room was Scott in a tux, with roses in his hand. "Oh my god, Scott. What's all of this for?" I asked, hopeful. Scott walked up to me, setting the roses on the table and taking my smaller hands in his huge ones. "Mitch, I love you, and I think I have for a long time. Everything about you is beautiful. Your smile, your hair, your lips, your hands, your hips, your legs, everything. So, would you like to give us a try?" Scott said. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I physically couldn't stop smiling. "Scott, oh my god! Yes! Yes, I'd love to give us a try!" I said, tearing up. Scott smiled and picked up the roses, handing them to me. I gladly accepted, and he picked me up and carried me over to the table, me laying my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

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