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A/N: Based off of the song by Us The Duo. Sorry it's so short, but there aren't very many lyrics to work off of.

I see the monsters under my bed, but I'm safe with you.

You make my demons go to rest, even if just for a little while. 

I hear the voices scream in my head, but I'm safe with you. 

You make it more bearable when you're there with me.

I found a home inside your arms, I'm safe with you. 

You help to bring me back to reality when the demons in my head take control.

I'll never be scared again, because I'm safe with you.

They've started to go away now, I just think of you. 

I feel the ghost that hides in the dark, but I'm safe with you.

I sit my your hospital bed. I pray to any god listening that you'll be okay.

I see this whole world falling apart, but I'm safe with you.

I cry as the nurse tells me you're gone.

I found a home inside your arms, I'm safe with you. 

I let Kirstie drag me to your funeral. I hated it.

I'll never be scared again, because I'm safe with you.

I wake up.

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