Chapter 6

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Waking up was better than yesterday. I was more relaxed out in the open air. Plodding away from the male and out from under the tree I looked at the rising sun slowly showing it was dawn. The stars still twinkled in the sky, slowly fading as the orange glow took over.

Walking over to a fence I inspected it. It was high but not impossible to jump it. There were some low weak spots along the top from weather and other elements.

A shriek of panic spooked me to race away from the sound. It came from the male he raced words me and nipped my flank making me run the other way. This kept going and it seemed like I gained speed. I started to race to a fence and collected myself. Leaping over barley making it past I tumbled to the other side. The male raced along the fence, he started to pick speed he then raced towards me and leaped landing safely by me. Nipping my flank to get me up he herded me away to a forest making me go faster by the second. Racing on for the rest of the day. We continued for most of the night till he stopped and nipped me into a tunnel flanking behind me. Once in the tunnel he nugged me in random directions till I started to see some light up ahead.

It grew strong enough to see the cave walls. We came to a big opening, the cave was big. He moved me over to a moss patch that grew in the stone and mud. I laid down and he settled down behind me. Falling asleep quickly being tired from the running.

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I woke up to a shifting behind me. My body felt a little weird, opening my eyes I noticed I shifted into my human form from lack of shifting. Stretching I got up and went behind a piece of rock and started the shift. Walking back out I noticed the male was up, he nipped me up and out of the cave and started racing me again. We raced for the rest of the day till we ended at a cottage in the woods. 

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