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I clenched my fists and I unclenched them.

Deep breathe.

Dear lord, please, deep breath.

I looked at the mirror and I frowned at the reflection. I felt anger pump through my veins and I felt the fire in my heart.

Don't do it.

You promised.

You fucking promised, god damn it.

I shoved my sleeves back down my arms and I snarled at my reflection yet again. I turn away and I try to open the bathroom door.


I giggle the doorknob harder, even though I know that it won't open. I felt anger rise and without a thought, I felt my fist connect with the glass of the mirror. My eyes widened and I let out a shriek of pain as the blood spurted out of my still closed fist.

My hands began to shake as I stood there, staring at the gushing wounds on my knuckles.

I heard people begin to slam their fists against the solid wood of the bathroom door. They were yelling in agony, crying and screaming for help.

My help.

But I couldn't.

I'm not strong enough.

I am utterly hopeless.

I sink down against the wall and sit on the cold tile floor, drawing my knees to my chest.

The thuds got louder

The cries got louder

More blood spurted out of my hand

The noise was too much, too loud, too needy. I clawed at my ears and I screamed over the millions of cries.


"Happy now?" I ask with a sniffle. I look up from the floor and I look at My therapist through tearful eyes.

"Now, we talked about you using that tone with me. It is extremely disrespectful, young lady." My therapist responded.

"Who do you think you are, my parents? Guess what Sherlock, you're not. Wow! Who woulda thunk it , huh?" I rebuttal.

"Helena, calm down please! I do not appreciate that tone." My therapist commanded.

"No! You know what? I'm out of here! I'm done with this bullshit! It's not like you help me anyway, if anything, you make it worse! You're fired, asshole!" I yelled as I stomped out of the room. I slammed the door behind me and I ran home.

To say the least, my mom wasn't all that enthused about me yelling and firing my therapist. But, she respected my decisions because that's the kind of mom that she is.

I locked myself in my room and I shoved my earbuds into my ears as I laid down in my bed.

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut

My weakness is that I care too much

And my scars remind me the past is real

I tear my heart open just to feel

My eyes flew open as I got a text on my phone. 
'Hey Helena!
So, apparently we're getting a new music teacher tomorrow, and rumor is is that he's really hot!

I roll my eyes and I sigh annoyed. Freaking teenage hormones.

'Dude, stop being such a horndog

'Oh please. I bet you're gonna be DROOLING all over him.

I blush and I shake my head.

' If anything, that's gonna be you.  I don't do that teacher/student thing. I don't care how hot he is, it's just wrong man.

' suuuuuuuuuureee. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I gotta go.

I typed a quick 'bye' and I set my phone down and I rubbed my eyes.  I glanced at the clock.


I might as well just go back to sleep. I let my mind wonder for a little and I wonder what's in store for me tomorrow.

Hi guys!

So, I'm sorry if this chapter was boring and super short, but I promise that Frank will be in the next chapter.




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