20 Dollar Nose Bleed

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I slammed my fist down on my radio, silencing Billie's voice. I groped around my nightstand and I picked up my phone to check the time.


I huffed quietly and I pushed myself out of bed to get dressed.

I shuffled into homeroom and I sat down at my desk, only five minutes until homeroom ends.

"Hey!" Lindsey shouted from her desk and waved me over.

"Hi." I smiled softly and took a seat next to her.

"So, are you excited for today?" She asked with a smirk.

"Um... No?" I knitted my eyebrows together, confused. Lindsey rolled her eyes and huffed.

"God, I swear, you can't remember anything. The new music teacher is coming today!" Linsey exclaimed.

"Oh, for fuck's sake. You horndog!" I rolled my eyes.

"What was his name? Mr.... Lero?" Linsey mumbled to herself, ignoring my comment. She shook her head. "No, no it's not... Ah, close enough. I guess we'll find out huh?"

"When will we find out exactly?" I sighed, giving up.

"Third period, duh." Linsey answered.

The bell shrieked, signaling that classes have begun.

"Well, see you at music I guess." I mumbled as I shuffled out of my seat. Lindsey wiggled her eyebrows and giggled her way out of the room.

My cried out as my spine was slammed into the cool interior of a locker as the door quickly shut, encasing me in my tomb, to my despair.
"That'll teach you a lesson, you miserable bitch!" Hayley shouted from the outside of my metal prison. I all but whimpered loudly, my voice cracking in the process. "Shut UP! Go tie a fucking rope for god sakes, you fucking nutcase!" Hayley kicked the locker, with a loud clatter. My stomach dropped and I felt bile rising in my throat, as I exhaled shakily. I felt tears brim in my eyes and burn as I tightly kept them closed. I felt blood slowly dripping out of my nose, hearing a gentle 'tip tap' as is fell against the locker floor. I heard Hayley's footsteps slowly fade and that's when the panic set in. I allowed a tear to roll down my cheek. And another. And two more. And four more. And five more. I begun to sob openly in my small cage of tears and blood and I allowed them to mix. I let a loud whimper rip through my throat as I sobbed harder, banging my head against the cool metal door of the locker door.
Suddenly, the locker door was pried open, and with that, I was met with a pair of soft, sympathetic eyes.

"Hey, hey.. It's okay sweetheart, I'm not gonna hurt you." He cooed, after I whimpered softly. "Hey- Look... It's okay shhh.." He pulled me out of the locker, wrapping his arms around me and whispering softly. "It's okay sweetie. I'm Mr. Stump, but you can call me Patrick." I sniffled softly and I pulled away to look at him. He pushed his black framed glasses up a little and I smiled softly as my eyes met the fedora that rested on top of his mop of hair.

"Th-thank y-you sir..-" I began, but Mr. Stump waved his hand at me dismissively.
"Oh please, don't call me 'sir', you make me feel old. Patrick will suffice." Mr. Stump smiled. I smiled softly in return, nodding. "Now, tell me, do you want me to take you to the nurse? As well, I hate to badger you now, but, it's well into period three, so after I take you to the nurse, I'll write you a pass. I just need to know who it's for."

"Oh.. I uh, I um.. Thank you.. But I think I don't need the nurse.." I mumbled.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to just get cleaned up a little before you go back. Plus, I'm uh.. I sort of li- I'm friends with the nurse.." Patrick said quickly. I raised my eyebrows and he laughed nervously. I vaguely knew the nurse, unlike typical school nurses, our nurse was a guy, and , well, 'emo to the extremo'.

"Okay.. I guess we'll go to the nurse then..." I said and Patrick grinned so hard that I thought his face was going to split in half. We walked (more like ran, at the rate Patrick was walking) to the nurse office, to be greeted by Mr. Oh-So-Perfect-Guyliner with a frown.

"Oh, my god, Helena, not again." He said as he pulled me over to one of the beds, and sitting me down so he could observe the damage. Patrick bit his lip nervously, and shuffled into the room, so he wasn't loitering in the doorway like he was before.

"H-hey P-Pete..." Patrick stuttered and blushed slightly as he gnawed at his lip. Aww, lil patty has a crush. Pete-I mean, Mr. Wentz, spun around and flashed Patrick his signature smirk, making Patrick's cheeks flush darker.

"Hey patty cakes, how's it going?" He asked teasingly as he turned back to me, mouthing the word 'awww' to me as I suppressed a giggle. Patrick sputtered incoherently and was practically purple. "Don't get all choked up, sweetheart, save that for later" He smirked and threw a wink over his shoulder at Patrick who was about to have a stroke right there on the spot. I raised my eyebrows as Patrick opened his mouth to say something, but Mr. Wentz interrupted him before he could utter a syllable out. "Now, Helena, I cleaned up all the blood, although you're gonna have to keep that ice pack with you to for both your eye and your nose. If you can, please try to return the ice pack to me by the end of the day." He smiled softly.

"Thank you, Mr. Wentz." I replied.

"Have a wonderful day, Helena. Oh and patty, see ya 'round." Mr. Wentz winked at Patrick as we both walked out of the room. Patrick exhaled quickly and I giggled.

"You got it that bad, huh?" I asked.

"Well-yeah... Sorta..." He said as he pulled his lip into his mouth, chewing it in deep thought. "So, here we are, I'll just talk to Frank before I leave you here." I nodded, and Patrick knocked on the door quietly and as the door was yanked open, I was met with the sight of beautiful hazel orbs.

"Hi, Mr. Iero..."

Long time no read/write!
Anyways, I told you Frank would be in this chapter.
I promise more Frank next chapter.
(Petetrick compels you to comment/vote)


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