Over Breakfast

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Toby and I are eating breakfast when my parents walk in. Hey, Spence, Hey, Toby my mom says. Hi, mom. So me and Toby have something to tell you and dad. Ok, what is it my dad says. I'm  pregnant. With Toby? My mom asks. Yes, with Toby. What? My dad asks. Toby, get out of my house. Toby stands up, grabs his bag and quickly heads to the door. Toby. My mom says firmly. Yes, Ms. Hastings? You don't need to go.         Ok.   Toby says confused.
What's done is done and it's just as much Spencer's fault as it is Toby's.
Thanks mom, for understanding. I say.
After all of that we decided to go to Toby's place.
Spencer's POV
We walk in to Toby's small apartment which is probably big enough for me him and a child. It's a pretty old apartment and his place could use some touch ups but we're good for now. I have no idea what my dad thinks of Toby now or even me. I'm actually kinda scared to go back home, so I'll probably stay at Toby's for a while. Or maybe even move in with him.

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