Chapter 1 - Battle of The Planets

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New story here! Hope you enjoy this will be a little action this will be my first part action but as my last one it will also be horror. Enjoy don't hate! Appreciate!

I was born thousands of years ago. I can't recall what time period so much has happened in the time being. Ive traveled to different realities seeing what each has to offer and each of them had a doomed future and I tried to help but nothing happened. Mine is where it all started. You are people of Terra? My reality and your planet is very futuristic to yours. I do know how I did become like this. It will stay with me for as long as I live. It all happened in some war I....I can't remember what war. Damn! I studied this! Hell I lived it! Heh, it was a great battle. Yeah but let's go back to that time to where this all happened.

A couple thousand years ago. The War of The Planets.

I was on a boat ready to storm the enemy forces.


"ROGER!!" We all shouted.

The edge of the boat door opened and we all exited out the boat. I was only 15 years old. I think I was the youngest one here. By a long shot. I looked around and saw utter destruction everywhere. Nothing was left to spare. Man....the Chronzas demolished the Capitol. The most reenforced city in the world and it fell in under a week.

"Alright, we need to get these guys out! I know you guys were barely recruited but we need as many people we can get!"

Almost everyone had a scared expression face. Almost everyone. We pulled our laser rifles out that formed out of a rectangular prism. It would form into anything from swords and knifes to guns and rocket launchers. And a back up.

We were wandering the Capitol Building searching for any hidden rooms. Eventually we found a room the Chronzas haven't found yet. It was an underground bunker and it freaked the crap out of me. I saw skeletons and a LOT of them. And that scared the shit out of me.

"Are we sure that the King is in here?" I asked the rest of my team. I looked at them and they nodded. I turned back around in front of me and a skeleton with an evil grin on its face. "AHH!!!"

"Heh, man I forgot that the Zavrons were also part of this." There were many planets in out solar system. And we had allies but they weren't as strong as we were. All of the Planets seemed to be gathering here.

"Shit....the Chronzas already beat us here..." One of the soldiers said. I went up to the front of the squad and saw something horrifying. It sent shivers down my spine. A Chronzan soldier feeding of the flesh of the King.

Chronzans are flesh eating Zombie-Human hybrids. Sometimes can be Self Cannibalistic.
Zavrons, Human Magi hybrids are allies with chronzas and some of the hardest to face allied with other races
And for mine, there are more but later.
Zexufros, Half Human Half Robot the most civilized and strongest in the Shiganfrind System.

The whole squadron pulled out their laser rifles and shot it in the head. After that it fell onto the floor. When it died a creepy voice emerged and said. "We....will not dieee....we will haunt you for l-live....hahaha....haha-"

"I'm out of here...." One of the squad members squealed out. All the others agreed and we exited. Before I exited I heard that same voice again. "It's a curse....a curssse...." I stood there looking at it in the dark, open room. I began to see creepy and unatural things. Demonic faces, creatures with long limbs and very slim, and others that were too freaky to explain. One of my squad members pulled me back up.

"France, don't stay behind." Issac said to me.

"Y-yeah...." I went up the stairs and instead of seeing a battle filled road it was silent but we heard shots being fired from a distance. The squadron turned their rifles to flares and we shot up orange flares. Meaning the King was dead. After that we saw flares being shot from other positions across the city. The only reason we hadn't shot them red was because that was when our city fell.

We headed for a nearby squadron of about 5 or so. We asked what happened to their sauadron. They told us that a creature probably a spell casted on a Chronza decimated their squad. It had a grin on it's face, a very wide grin from what they described. As it stod ten feet tall the grin couldn't help but scare their squadron even more.

We heard a high pitched screech which as out ears hurt so squadron 28 and ours 74.

"Man, I'm glad you guys lasted this long." Josh sighed. "No time for small talk we need to find cover and turn our cloaks on and put some scent on us so they smell us." We nodded and put Chronzan blood on us, from a nearby dead one.

We went to hide inside a building not far from us. It was a bit destroyed but it was enough to keep us hidden. It seemed as if there were skeletons everywhere we went. It didn't really seem like it would be a problem but it did end up freaking some of the others out.

"Shh! It's coming...." Philip said one of the Elite soldiers sent out with Squad 28. We activated our camouflage and wiped some more blood on us. We stayed pretty quiet but unfortunately someone couldn't take the pressure and went into the street and transformed their flare into a heavy machine gun and began shooting, screaming "KILL ME! I CAN'T TAKE IT!" The Chronzan looked over to Kim. My Squad followed after her grappling onto giant Chronzan and pulled out our swords. Stabbing the monster and damaging it very little. It knocked us all of and then Squad 28 joined us. With this we were sure to take it down.

I was so wrong.

The monster grabbed Issac and crushed him to smithereens. It grabbed Jake, Kim, John and Finn and ate them. And the rest of my squad. It was only me and Squadron 28 left.

"France! Get back!" I questioned it because we seemed a safe distance but as I looked behind me I saw a chunk of a building coming at me. I tried to activate my shield. I was too late. The chunk hit me and knocked me onto a left out sword sticking upwards. My upper center chest was pierced by the sword. Then everything went black.

Estimated Time of Awake: Two Weeks

I awake two weeks later or from what Philip told me. I woke in what seemed to be a secret chamber of some sort. It was the Kings Treasure Chamber.

"Wow..." I got up to look around. "This is the Kings Chamber Room!" There was many treasures that I had looked at. He had so many amazing treasure. There's so many to list! But one stood out of all....the Eternal Soul. Below it said "Whomever uses this soul will have the gift of Eternal Life but beware, there will he dire consequences."

But there was a was gone.

"What happened to the Eternal Soul?!"

"It's in your soul."

"It was the only way to save you. I had no choice and I don't know why, I guess it was a last second thing." He laughed afterwards and thought of the possibilities."

And that my friends, is how I gained immortality. But there's more. Before you ask no I'm not old. I stopped aging at 24 years old. And yeah it's weird but there are people like me so that's that. But there's more to this story.

Heyo! First Chapter! I'm going to make this sort of horrorish and along with other things but for now I will see you in the meanwhile!

Eternal Life: Gift Or Curse?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora