Chapter Two: Welcome Home

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Eventually the train started back up again. After an hour of sitting there doing nothing.

"Shit dude!" Cartman exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Kenny asked.

"My phone just died!"

Kenny, Kyle and I exchanged looks. "Seriously?" said Kyle.

"Yeah seriouslah!" We three rolled our eyes.

Soon the train arrived at our stop and we all got off, it was a frenzy at the last station. I was bumping into all these people, exchanging sorries and its okay's. I saw my dad at the station, he looked worried. He was supposed to pick me up an hour ago, but the train just arrived. when I was face to face with my father, he pulled me into his arms for a hug.

"Umm, dad?" I asked confused.

"I was so worried. Your mother thought something happened to you, why didn't you answer your phone at all?!" He replied.

"Oh. Well, I left my phone at home because it was dead when I woke up."

He looked at me and stopped being worried. "Well then next time, get one of your friends to text one of us okay? Just so we know you're alright."

"Okay, dad."

We walked to the lot of parked cars and found my dads. I got in the front passengers seat and Randy got in the drivers seat. He started the ignition and we were off.

My eyes loomed out over the lights of the street. there was a colour, it was an image in my mind, like the colour of an eye. the white that surrounded the iris, the fluorescent red veins that were connected, the black and plain pupil, and what surrounded the pupil. the light blue iris. the blue colour changed its shade like the sky would. those eyes only belonged to a certain blonde boy. whom I've had a crush on over these many years...

oh, sorry, did I not tell you? turns out I'm gay. I just realized this maybe when I was in the fourth year, and Wendy had dumped me for Token, then again, I've never actually really LIKED Wendy. But I really found out I was gay when I saw Token in her window. there was always the blonde boy who lived on the bad side of town, he would always come to my house, comfort me, then we would watch Terrance and Phillip. Now we do not watch that show because of the stupidity that's involved in the show. I mean seriously, farting? come on Canada! (this is where admin realizes she is Canadian and she laughs, * all Canadians laugh * haha okay ceileigh, stay away from me! (I have no idea what that was) anyways back to the story)

Randy pulled up in the driveway and I got out of the car immediately and raced into the house and up the stairs into my room. My laptop sat on my desk, untouched, and looking lonely as ever. I made my way to my desk and sat down at the green and fluffy chair I sat on.

I opened the laptop and logged into my account. (Pc users for the win, Apple sucks jk jk luv you Steve Jobs) I saw my wallpaper, which was Kenny, Cartman, Kyle, and I, sitting on a hill together when we were 13, we were all looking at the stars, and I was pointing out a shooting star.

I looked on my apps and saw my skype that had a "1 missed call" on it. I feverishly clicked the app and saw it was from Kenny. I sighed in relief thinking it was Kyle or Cartman, I didn't want to talk to THEM. (lol, hateful Stan >:] ) I called Kenny, he answered within 23.5 seconds, yes I counted. The night felt like it went on for 30 minutes, because when Kenny fell asleep, it was 4:13 am. (*homestucking intensifies*)

I shut off my laptop and climbed into my covers. Soon I fell asleep with images of the blonde haired boy that I loved dearly.

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