Chapter Four

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Stan was staring at me, it was awkward in a way but kind of comforting. Nobody besides Tammy Warner has ever looked at me the way he was. His expression was soft, showing signs of affection.

We were all in gym class, our coach told us all to run 1.3 miles around our school.

I was in the lead with Kyle behind me, Stan was four or five people behind us and Cartman was last, like always.

I had to stop running as I couldn't breathe anymore and I didn't really want to die while in gym class. Kyle stopped beside me and looked at me, we both fast walked until we reached buses.

"Jesus, can that fatass ever catch up to us?" Kyle exclaimed.

"I don't know. Maybe he's just having a rough day." I shrugged.

Once we reached the buses, we started to lightly jog again, then there was a hill that wasn't too steep but you could sprint down.

"Ready Kyle?" I asked him.

"What for?"

"Me kicking your ass!!" I said and sped off. I sprinted down the hill fast making sure to watch where I put my feet.

When I reached the end of the hill I quickly turned the corner which resulted in me rolling over my ankle.


I laid on the road and a car was zooming up fast, I quickly got up and out of the way and stood against the lamp post.

Kyle past by without rolling over his ankle, "How's the dust tasting Kenny?" and he chuckled and sprinted to the end.

"Damn you Kyle." I started to hop to the end.

Stan passed by me and stopped, "Kenny, are you hurt?"

"Yeah, I rolled over my ankle turning the corner and was almost run over."

"Oh my god!" He grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder, then he helped me limp to the end.

Cartman eventually passed us, but he passed us before anyone else did. Stan was right behind Kyle and Cartman was last.

"Yeah go Cartman!" Stan shouted to him.

He ran faster and eventually came in second place with a score of 5:23. Kyle got 4:37. Stan and I made it in 14th place, with 13 other students behind us. We both got a score of 8:29.

Stan told the coaches what happened to  my ankle and they said he could take me into the nurses office.

I laid down on the bed as the nurse called my parents to take me to a doctor.

(Yes btw if you roll over your ankle too much you can sprain it as Admin did last winter. Yay)

They arrived and I left, Stan waved goodbye to me though, that I felt happy about.

~a few hours later~ (imagine it in the voice in spongebob where he says that)

I came back to school with 43 minutes to spare. I didn't want to make my friends upset that I missed math class with Mr. Green and they couldn't. They'd call me a wimp.

I had crutches, my knee was sprained and I couldn't walk on it straight. So I desperately climbed up two sets of stairs to get to math class, and when I got there I looked into the class, nobody was there.

Just my luck.

I climbed back down the stairs and went to the office asking where the 11-03 math class was located. (11-03 means 11 is the grade and 03 is the room number that is their homeroom) They told me they were in the Library.

My favourite place, no noise and nobody would disturb me, and that the Librarian was my neighbour. She loved me. Not joking. She called me honey and babe all the time. Which is freaky because she's like 50 something but she's known me ever since I was born.

I hopped into the library on my crutches and saw my class.

I gave a pink late slip to Mr. Green.

"Oh Kenneth, welcome back. Sorry to hear about your ankle."

"Oh, it's alright Mr. Green. Don't worry."

I went to Stan and Kyle who were working on a project together.

"What are we doing? What did I miss?" I asked the two of them.

"Oh, we're doing a project on Dragons Den. We need to create a product and do all this shit on how much it is and how much we'd ask the dragons for to help make and design it." Stan replied.

"Yeah, we can be in groups from 3-6. Ask the fatass if he wants to be in a group with us along with Butters." Kyle told me.


I hobbled over to Cartman who was sitting with Butters who was rambling on and on about what his parents grounded him for this time.

Butters. How do I even begin to explain Butters. He was stupid, innocent, but he was gorgeous. But so was Stan. And Kyle, honestly.

But I had feelings for Butters. I flushed whenever I passed him.

(Bring on the Bunny. That should be Playboy's new slogan)

I sat precariously onto a chair and looked at butters and Cartman.

"Hey dudes. Do you wanna join in this project with Kyle, Stan and I?" I asked them both.

"Sure. I bet Eric would want to as well." Butters replied smiling that goofy smile. My god I loved him.

"Yeah sure why the fuck not." Cartman said.

A girl behind Cartman looked at him and said "Please don't swear."

Cartman looked back at her, "I can to whatever the fuck I want. It's not like it hurts anybody; fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck." he smirked evilly.

"Eric, you should stop." Butters put in and moved towards Cartman.

Cartman turned around and punched Butters square in the nose, and because Butters was standing and didn't have good balance, he fell back amongst the chairs.

"Agh! Eric! What the heck?!" He asked as his cute nose started to bleed.

"Butters!" I went to him and helped him up.

"Ken, I'm okay." He said and walked out of the library.

My gaze followed him. I stood up and hobbled back to my chair with Stan and Kyle.

"Cartman's an asshole." I said.

"Really? When did you first notice?" Kyle asked, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Since he called me poor. But I don't care, I thought I could stand him but now, he hit my crush and I'm so pissed off!"

Stan looked back at me, "Y-your crush...?" He stuttered.

"Yeah, he hit Bu-..." I stopped there. Shit! Stan stood up and walked out the library.

"Stan?" Kyle asked. He got up and followed Stan.

Nice job McCormick, nice job..

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