Part 2

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Salvador wasn't sure he'd ever been so nervous in his entire life.

'If you'd just like to remove your trousers and hop up on the table.'

The words seem to come from a disembodied voice.

The whizz of a zip was followed by the clunk of a belt buckle hitting the floor. The whole thing felt like an out of body experience.

His palms started to get clammy, he could feel drops of sweat collecting at the base of his spine.

'Nothing we haven't seen before.'

The voice was cheerful, but a little high-pitched and the traces of panic could be heard around the edges.

He looked across at the plaque on his desk — Dr Salvador Sullivan. It was all on him now. His first time examining a patient entirely on his own, with no-one to call for help.

Where a person's care was his responsibility entirely.

Oh good, he thought to himself. It's a smelly one.

'You'll wanna get a swab of that, doc,' said the heavily bearded middle-aged man, casually, leaning back on the black leatherette. He had one knee propped up with the other stretched out, and was wearing nothing but a faded Oasis t-shirt and black socks.

'It's an old dose making a comeback, I'd say,' he said as Salvador fumbled on his thin plastic gloves and started his examination. 'Been on a bit of a dry run if you know what I mean.'

'Yes, yes I'd say I do,' said the young doctor, without glancing up at the patient.

'Six months. I was beginning to get worried it'd shrivel up and drop off, but then this!'

'Right,' said Salvador, 'six months...'

After securing his sample, Salvador started running through all the questions he knew he had to ask, about the last time the patient had had sex — already covered — the number of recent partners, whether he'd used precautions, etc. By the end the patient was answering them before he could even ask them.

'So a course of antibiotics, and some free condoms is it?'

'That's right.'

'I don't suppose there's a way to clear up the weeping but not lose all the swelling?'

'Um, not really, no.'

'Ah well, I'd be wearing Speedos everywhere if you could. Listen, are you still doing that anonymous phone call thing?'

'You mean the partner notification system?' Salvador felt like he was getting more on course here. He loved telling people about the notification system, especially as he wasn't the one to make the calls. 'Of course, if there's someone who might have been exposed to risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection that you feel too embarrassed to tell in person, we can make a discreet call, offer them an appointment, and your name won't ever be mentioned.'

'Great!' The patient pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Salvador. On it was a long list of hastily scrawled names.

'Joan Kelsey,' said Salvador scanning the list.

'Ex-wife, thought she should be informed.'

'We didn't notify her the last time you were here?'

'Not sure she got the message.'

There were a couple of other women and phone numbers scribbled before one name jumped out.

'Dave Irving...'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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