Chapter Nine

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Note: Chapter 8 was made private because of mature content. If you can't see it, follow this account, delete the book from your library then re-add it. However, if you still can't see it, here's a summary: Chris went out for a drink and saw Cassandra, they shared a drink with some low-key flirting. They ended up getting freaky in the back of Chris' car, once they were done, Chris kicked her out of the car and left.


I walked into the house holding bags full of groceries. My hands felt like they were about to fall off from the amount I was carrying. I kicked the door shut behind me, relieved my day was close to being over. Channing appeared out of no where, startling me.

"Why are you holding so much?" He laughed as he took most of the bags from my grasp, helping me to carry them to the kitchen. 

"I couldn't be bothered to go to the car twice." I lightly laughed, putting the bags on the counter side.

That's when I noticed the beautiful smell of food. I turned around to see the table had two candles lit and fresh red roses in the middle of the table. I gasped, covering my hands around my mouth as I smiled hugely.

"You like it, baby?" I heard Channing whisper into my ear.

"Yes, I love it. Why did you do this?" I smiled turning around to face him.

I stretched my arms up so I could wrap my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled my body closer to his.

"You're my wife, you deserve this." He told me as he kissed my forehead after.

"You hardly ever do this though." I spoke confused. I wasn't complaining, though, it was beautiful.

"I know. We hardly see each other because we are always at work. Beyond all of that, I feel very amateurish for forgetting our anniversary. I'm sorry Robyn." He apologised.

I generally smiled, I went on my tip toes as he leaned down a bit, connecting our lips. We gently and passionately kissed each other. Those same sparks he's always sent through my body revamped.

Then Chris' face appeared in my mind. Remembering how horny he made me feel before. I felt so deficient for masturbating because of the feeling someone else provided me. Chris just got to me.

I felt Channing's lips move away from mine, making me open my eyes.

"Well my lady, you sit down while I prepare our dinner." Channing told me.

"Wait, let me put the groceries away quickly-" I started to walk to the kitchen but Channing shook his head.

"Sit down, I have everything under control." Channing smiled beautifully, his green eyes glistened with the glow of the candle light.

He walked over to the table and pulled the chair out for me. I blushed like a schoolgirl and took a seat as I watched him take care of the kitchen.

Shortly he placed my plate in front of me, then he sat in the seat across from mine smiling.

Channing had created us a romantic dinner of a very enticing type of chicken with spinach and noodles. I was very surprised by the way everything looked.

"Chicken piccata topped with sliced lemon and selective spices, a lightly seasoned and cooked pasta with spinach." Channing explained.

"This smells amazing, thank you babe." I smiled brightly.

He poured us both a glass of red wine. I haven't had a glass in a while and it was always my favorite.

"No need to thank me... How have you been recently? We don't seem to speak enough." Channing started the conversation.

"I've just been buried in a lump of work at the office like you've been at the pharmacy." I sighed, taking a bite of my food.

"Why do you sound so sad? You're not enjoying your job?" Channing asked me.

My job isn't too bad but it isn't what I want to do with my life. All I do for a job is have Chris flirt with me. I don't even know if I will ever find him someone, he has been extremely picky with whom he attracts to. He plays strong mind games. I'm pretty sure he knew he was going to leave me wet the other day. No matter how many times I tell him I'm married, it doesn't matter to him. He honestly doesn't care. He's been so determined to get me and it's been nothing but an annoyance.

"I'm just twenty five and I'm not where I want to be in life. Am I ever going to get there? I want to have my own marriage counselling business. After at least a year of focusing on that, I want to have kids. Just seems like it's not going to happen." I spoke disappointedly.

Channing took the knife and fork out of my hands, placing his hands into mine instead.

"You still have time to make your dreams come true. It's not too late. We will make it happen, I promise." Channing promised.

"How though? How are we going to do it? We don't have enough money."

"We will start saving now. We are going to get you where you want to be." He lightly smiled.

He took his hands out of mine and started to eat again. Everything just feels like false promises.  I know he trying to make me happy but I don't see my dreams happening. Enough of the sugar coating.

I carried on with my eating, as I just kept thinking about life. What's going to happen when I do find Chris someone?

"Remember when we were little kids we used to sit next to each other in all of our classes together?" Channing reminded me with a wide smile on his face.

"Yeah," I lightly giggled. "We would be next to each other all throughout the day and we would still talk to each other through notes that were given in class."

"We were inseparable." He gazed grinning.

Old times when we were careless and free. When you thought every dream was reachable. Channing my first and only love. We were the happiest kids, there wouldn't be a day we would go without being together. We were together as a couple but best friends at the same time. That's what kept our relationship going.

"We would get the bus home and you would always get off two stops before your house so you could walk me to my door." I smiled as I thought about it.

"Most of the time you would just come into my house anyway, I would get changed quickly then we'd go out until dinner time." I laughed lightly at how addicted we used to be of each other's presence.

"Yeah I would always get home late with dirty school clothes, my mama used to get so pissed off with me." Channing laughed.

If only we could choose to stay kids. I would love to go back and live those beautiful moments again.

"I love you Robyn, I'm sorry I don't show it as much anymore." Channing spoke, making the conversation feel more serious.

"Forever and ever... I know you love me, we just need to make sure we make more time for each other."

We finished up eating our dinner then we cuddled up on the sofa with some blankets and watched a couple of older movies until Channing fell asleep on me.

We just needed some times like these to remind ourselves of how much we love each other. We are soulmates.

Chris may be sexy but could I ever have the same connection with him that I do with Channing? Channing and I just have so much history.


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