Chapter Twenty

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Waking up to the smell of bacon in Chris's huge king-sized bed alone, I fluttered my eyes. I looked around at my surroundings, still digesting Chris's beautiful home and how large and spacious it was.

I figured Chris was downstairs in the kitchen, so I rolled out of bed tiredly going into the master bathroom. I brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush and toothpaste and rinsed my face with a face cloth that laid beside it on the sink before heading downstairs.

I went into the kitchen spotting Chris in only basketball shorts in front of the stove mixing something. I crept behind him, kissing his back tattoos as he cooked.

"Good morning beautiful", Chris put the mixing bowl down and turned around and sweetly kissed my lips. I still melted at the touch of his lips on mine.

"Good morning handsome. What are you making?"

"Something good, I'm sure you'll like it."

"Come on, can I see? Well, at least try it?" I put a cute pout on my face in hopes that he'd let me.

"Nope, you gotta wait." Chris shook his head looking down at me. I looked from side to side before I rushed toward the stove and grabbing a strip of bacon, Chris scooped me in his arms sitting me on the  cool, granite counter as we both laughed.

"I said no, didn't I?" Chris's voice got slicker and raspier as he leaned his face towards mine. I blushed as he kissed me slowly. His lips were the drug and his kisses were my addiction. Every time I felt them, I felt as though I needed more.

I grabbed Chris's face as his tongue slipped into my mouth, his hands gripped my exposed thighs as his body pressed against mine. I pushed him away gently, as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Your lips are everything to me", I blushed looking down at the floor. Chris lifted my chin with his finger and pecked my lips.

"You're everything to me." His baritone words left his mouth like a flowing river and it certainly made me wet.

"I could stare at you all day and never get uninterested, it's surprising and disappointing that someone would lose interest and excitement while in your presence, Robyn." I blushed at Chris's sweet words.

"There's obviously a reason why Channing got bored of me. I'm just a normal girl with huge dreams no one could even imagine me reaching for myself-"

"Those dreams? I'd be more than happy to help you, you're mine. And you're not normal, there's just some sides to you that I need to discover", Chris traced my panty line with his finger making goosebumps appear on my skin.

"When you're with me, don't be afraid to express yourself." I nodded already feeling that way. I felt eased and light when Chris was around. I felt like I could be myself.

Later That Day

I giggled after Chris put a dab of whipped cream on my nose from the fresh funnel cake.

We had visited the fair, and after some laughter-filled rides and games, we bought a funnel cake to share. These were beyond my favorite foods, and I was over excited that I got to have one.

"I told you not to do that, because I'd do this!" I dipped my finger in the whipped cream of the funnel cake and wiped it on Chris's cheek, laughing. Chris gasped over exaggeratedly and scooped me in his arms as we both busted into laughter.

"You think you slick, Robyn?" He growled in my ear sending tingles down my spine as he let me down. We stared into each other's eyes silently as the commotion around us continued.

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