Cupcake thing gets in!

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As I stand there, watching the door. I hear the other door creak and run over to see nothing, and then when I go to my bed I see a nightmarish cupcake with eyes on the floor "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT" I yell silently to make sure it cant hear me, then. my alarm clock went off. I looked at the time. 6 AM. then suddenly I pass out waking up at 12 A.M "Wha...hey, its my room again!" I comment as I see that there is once again. a demonic brown Fredbear on my bed, "GO AWAY! AGAIN!" I yell at the Fredbear thing as it hides under the bed again. "Is that where they are coming from?" I wonder as I look under the bed, "Nothing. Weird..." I ponder as the time reaches 3 A.M and at the same time go to the door I saw the Nightmare-ish bunny thing, Nothing "Huh..." Then out of nowhere it picked me up and screamed in my face only thing I can see is blood. Next thing I know i'm in my room again, "The time is 1 A.M., I'm trapped in a house with freaking things from my NIGHTMARES!!! And a closet full of FOX-THINGS!..." I yell at myself before checking the clock, 2 A.M. Waaaaaaaaaaooow... I am NEVER Gunna get to school without like... 10 Five-Hour Energy's I don't know why my parents let me have them, I guess they don't know that you don't give kids Five-Hour Energy...Anyway, I check the hallway, "WAHT THE EVERLOVING CRAP IS THAT!!!!!" I yell as I see fredbear. but with a FRICKEN MOUTH ON HIS CHEST! then I noticed that he is REALLY. Withered. A term used for something that's
A. Broken B. Ripped C. Torn D. Tattered... Sorry I was reading it out of my dictionary! Anyway.. I closed the door, OBVISLY. I opened the door and he was gone, I checked the bed, thinking of the brown Fredbears, BUT NO, It wasn't them IT WAS A GIANT YELLOW HEAD WITH RED EYES STARING AT ME, so I did the obvious thing... HAD A STARING CONTEST WITH IT! And It left.then I thought. 'what if that is really Fredbear?' FREDBEAR HAS BEEN MY WORST NIGHTMARE. It begun when I was at my friends birthday at Fredbears Family Diner. I was just hanging out watching fredbear sing when it happened. a life of a friend flashed before my eyes... Then I saw my father take the body to a back room "What is he doing?" I wondered 

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