Chapter One

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"Zayn? Zayn, Zayn!" Louis asked for like thousandth time. "Zaynzaynzayn" He kept being his annoying self. The black haired boy snapped finally and answered: "What Louis? Sure we can stop at the next gas station but I can't fucking turn to one in the middle of nowhere!" The quiffed lad gazed furiously at Louis. That hazel haired boy from doncaster was overactive little pain in the ass and never very good with long lasting driving so this should have been expected. Zayn wasn't still very happy about the fact that his best friend here couldn't sit still longer than half an hour. After the next exhausting fifteen minutes a dilapidated and dirty old gas station slowly came into view. Louis jumped in his seat and Zayn speeded up. "Finally! My saviour!" He screamed and flied out of the door as quickly as possible. Zayn just watched the scene his mouth hanging open in awe and eyes wide from surprise. 

  Louis tried to find water and soap for the dirty windows when he stumbled on something laying on the ground. Or somebody. As he collected himself after almost falling on the cold pavement he spotted a brown mop of curls leaning against the wall and shivering on the ground.  "Oi!" Somebody yelled from the parking lot. That same somebody jogged closer to the two boys and grabbed a handful of the curly boy's shirt. "Haven't I told you clear enough that we don't want you here? Well here comes another time, go fuck yourself somewhere else! This place is not for homeless crap lounging on the area of our paying customers!" The boy hanging almost in the air by his shirt collar looked up a little. Louis' heart suddendly stung from the sight of that boy's shimmering wet eyes and quivering lower lip. He was already trembling from the cold so the little extra shaking from being afraid wasn't really making a difference.  "I- it's just that- I'm- s-sorry I didn't mean to be a burden or anything. I'm gonna leave now, I-I was going to do so anyway so..." The poor boy stumbled out and the man let his grip off his collar. Curly boy fell hard on the pavement when his legs gave out and he somehow proceeded to shuffle himself to a nearby trash bin to puke and gag out the little food he had been able to eat in the past few days. The guard watched the scene in visible disgust and turned straigt around to hurry inside the building leaving the two boys out.

After the green eyed boy was done vomiting he slumped on the ground exhausted and leaned himself against the dirty bin. Louis observed the feverish flush of his cheeks and the obvious tear tracks making their way across his face. He was so shocked about what happened that he forgot that he was cold too. It was still december and that poor kid didn't have anything but dark washed jeans and a gray long-sleeve shirt. As the shivering heap lifted his head up and opened his large green eyes to meet Louis' blue ones he instantly blushed from embarrassment and tried to stand up for backing off but he didn't success doing it so he just flinched and pressed himself tighter against that bin. Louis stared a while and realized that the boy was probably thinking him as a guard too and was terrified. Quickly he lowered himself on the ground too and lifted his hands up for stupid sign of peace.  

"What's your name?" Louis tried. He mentally slapped himself for being so awkward as the curly boy stared at him confused. "I'm Louis, so who are you?"  

"M-my name is Harry." He said unsurely and sniffed. Harry tried to wipe his cheeks with the sleeve of his shirt but didn't do well since the sleeve was already wet from the melted snow.  

"Louis? Louis!" Zayn's voice echoed from the parking lot. "Where the fuck are you? We have to keep going or we'll never make it home today!" His tone was clearly annoyed but Louis understood, he had completely forgotten what was happening as he stared that poor kid being kicked off from the street. He quickly weighted all the options and came to a decision that he couldn't leave Harry lying there miserable even if he wanted so. With that in his mind he blurted out a question: "Come with me?" But it came out more like an order and a little too late since he was so distracted in his own thoughts that Harry had already gotten on his feet and hobbling away.

He'll take care - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now