Chapter Two

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"I'm gonna go and make a bath for you, settle down here and be like it's your house too." Louis informed.

"Feel free to get food from the kitchen if you feel like eating but just remember I'm gonna cook spaghetti later."   Harry nodded and smiled genuinely. How on earth could a stranger be so kind and good-hearted? He was so deep in his thoughts that he started when Louis came back with a fresh pair of pajamas and a towel.  

"Here, take these and leave your clothes in the bathroom I'll wash them later, enjoy your shower!" He chirped and smiled for the younger boy who thankfully took the stuff and headed fpr the bathroom. Quickly he stopped and turned back to Louis.   

"Um.. Where exactly is the bathroom?"

"It's the door straight across the lobby."


Louis just grinned for answer and went to search a pillow and a thick blanket for Harry.


Harry undressed himself carefully hurting his ribs as little as possible. He watched them from the steamy mirror and saw the bruises covering his chest. At least two of them must be broken, he thought and jumped into the warm water and washed himself properly like he could store showers.      

After like an half an hour he lifter himself up from the bath and put on the pajamas. His unruly curls were now damp and smelling good and he noticed himself very tired and exhausted. But it wouldn't be polite just to go to sleep so he decided to try and stay up. In the kitchen Louis was setting a table for them two when he noticed a beautiful, clean and good smelling boy standing in the doorway. He let his eyes linger on the kid's face observing the beautiful green colour of them and the adorable curls of his hair.

"Sit down I made some pasta! But be careful, everyone who have eaten my food have gotten some serious trauma." Louis laughed heartedly and Harry couldn't but help smiling.

"I'm just quickly gonna change out of these jeans I'll be right back!" Louis said and jumped up from his chair.

Harry's eyelids were getting too heavy to keep open even after he tried to pinch himself and slap himself on the cheek. They were drooping dangerously and before he knew his forehead was laid agaist the table and the was sniveling slightly. When Louis came to the kitchen no more than three minutes later he found Harry sitting in his chair head laid on a plate in a position which surely would hurt his neck after a while. He watched that way too cute scene for a few seconds and decided to lift the curly to the sofa so he could sleep properly. He sat himself down next to the curly lad, opened the television and muted it. After one coca-cola can and one beer while a football game played on television Louis heard harry whisper something. The sleeping boy began to trash around and flail with his hands. He murmured some more sentences but Louis couldn't hear what he said until a bright and frightened:

"Louis! Please, Louis! Louislouislouis!"

Harry was now sounding terrified and was grabbing the air with his hands franatically. He accidentally hit Louis' arm and immidiately clinged on it. The fear escaped Harry and he slumped straigt onto the confused boy's lap sleeping like nothing had happened. Louis decided it would be best not to leave so after a while he fell asleep stroking the brown curly mop. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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