The Dream

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When Peridot successfully carried Pearl bridal style all the way to the room, she set Pearl softly on the bed. 

Pearl blushes. "Let's just hope Amethyst's teasing doesn't clash with this."

Peridot lie down beside Pearl and kissed the corner of her mouth. Pearl hugged her and she hugged back. 

"I love you~" Pearl whispered.

"I love you too~" Peridot replied.

Pearl became silent, then she fell asleep. peridot kissed her cheek softly, to not wake her. "My Pearl."

Pearl's gem started projecting her dream, in it, Pearl was riding on Lion. Peridot gasped softly and watched. In the dream, Lion stops in front of Rose. Peridot teared up.


Pearl speaks in the dream but it can't be heard, Rose grabs Pearl's hand. Peridot's eyes widened slightly. Pearl and Rose's faces move closer, Rose blushing.

"Oh man...I know what's happening..." Peridot muttered quietly.

Pearl and Rose's lips met, crying can be heard, there was green glowing from Pearl's hand. 

"What the-" Peridot raised an eyebrow, suddenly scared.

Pearl's fist unclenches and green gem shards fall to the ground. Peridot's gem shards.

Peridot's eyes gaped. "Oh my god!"

Pearl's gem stopped projecting the dream, Pearl fell off the bed and woke up. Peridot tried to hide her tears. Pearl looked up and her eyes gape. 

"Oh no! Oh, nonononono!" Pearl backed away from Peridot.


Pearl's eyes filled with tears. "Nonononono!!" Pearl ran out of the room.

"Pearl!" Peridot ran after her.

Before Peridot could catch up, Pearl jumped on the warp pad and warped somewhere...anywhere.

Peridot couldn't catch her. She fell to her knees and collapsed, crying on the warp pad. 


~~at the place where Pearl and Peridot fought~~

"WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" Pearl yelled at herself.


~Ooooh I just love leaving cliffhangers! And you guys will have to wait a bit for the next chapter. School has started and I'm going away for the weekend. So have fun with this chapter!~

Secrets Kept (Pearl x Peridot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora