
193 6 3

No TW apart from allusions to murder.

Word count: 613

Wrote this in like an hour. It's p bad, hardly any editing.


"Oh, god, DLive! I've done something horrible. Oh my god. Please tell me you'll have my back. I'm regretting all my life decisions right now. Why did I do this! I'm so dumb."

"Entoan, shh, babe, calm down. Breath with me," DLive said, inhaling then exhaling to help calm his boyfriend down. At this time of the night, DLive was sure as hell not expecting a panicked phone Entoan. Why the fuck wasn't he in bed with him? From what DLive remembered, wasn't Entoan asleep before Dlive, himself, had fell asleep? Forget about that, why was he out a 4 in the morning!?

Once Entoan sounded like he was calm and sufficiently capable to structure coherent sentences, DLive asked worriedly, "Are you okay? What happened? You know I'll always back you up in everything you do, right? Is it really bad? Wait, that's a stupid question. Do I have to come pick you up?"

"I'm okay, just kind of shaken up," he said, well, shaken up. "You'll see when I come back. I have your car. Why did I do this? I'm so dumb. Everything is in the trunk right now. I'll be back soon." Entoan hung up quickly.

'He probably killed someone.' DLive thought, astounded. 'Should he just confess to the police?'

"No, I don't want him to go to jail. I have to help him hide the body."

And so, along went DLive into the backyard of the co-owned house. It was quite dark. With no lights outside, it was difficult for him to orient himself towards the shed, but when he found it, he went in and took out a shovel. Knowing somewhat where to walk to the spot he found the best to dig, he directed himself towards it and starting digging. Luckily, with the hedges all around their backyard, unsavory eyes would be able to spy on his doings.

Arduously digging for what felt like hours, DLive finally heard the distinguishable sound of car tires hitting the gravel of their driveway. He let the shovel go and ran towards the sound, passing through the gate out their backyard.

As he arrived, Entoan was just getting out of the car and closing the door. DLive ran up to him and hugged him tight.

"Are you okay? I started digging in the backyard. Where's the evidence?"

"What? I'm okay. Why did you start digging in the backyard?" He seemed to have gotten over his original panic.

"What do you mean why? For the body."

"What body?"

"The person you killed! You wouldn't have called me panicking if it wasn't bad!" DLive aggressively whispered.

Entoan started laughing.

"Why are you laughing!? Murder isn't something to joke about! You can go to jail!"

Still laughing, Entoan took DLive's hand and guided him to the trunk. He took the key and opened it. DLive's eyes widened in shock.

In the trunk was at least 7 bags filled with water and shadows of creatures that were indistinguishable to his eyes in the darkness.

He took a guess to what they were anyway. "Are those fish?"

"Yeah... I broke in to the pet shop on Fory Street." Entoan tore his eyes away from DLive, ashamed.

"Wait, wait. Did you literally break into a pet shop and called me in a panic!?"

"I couldn't just leave them there! They were so cute!" Entoan whined.

"I can't believe you! You are ridiculous." DLive said, exasperatedly.

"You love me anyway," Entoan said as he got close to DLive, put his hands to the back of his neck and kissed him sweetly. "By the way, the police would've caught so fast if we buried the body in our backyard."


And that, baes, is the story of how Entoan broke into a pet shop to steal fish.

Prompt: you called me in the middle of night asking if id have your back if you did something really bad so immediately im getting a shovel ready assuming youve killed someone, but no youve just stolen all the goldfish from the pet store as an act of love

prompt from

I changed the end of the prompt but whateves its close enough.

It's been 8 months since I've updated this. lol

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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