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Here’s my short, absolutely shitty fanfic I wrote in like 15 minutes because why not.


Prompt: Your OTP is spooning when person A is about to fall asleep and person B then quietly whispers a pun into their ear from http://otpprompts.tumblr.com/

Word Count: 291

Pairing: DEntoan/DlivEntoan/DlivexEntoan because I heard they were gonna read fanfiction so I was like why the fuck not. 

If they actually read this, fuck my life.

It was now 1 am and both men were settled in bed quietly. Entoan’s back was pressed against Dlive’s chest, the breath of his lover slowly lulling him to sleep. As his eyes were closing and as his breath started to even out, Dlive pressed his face against his neck and whispered,

“I went to Premature Ejaculators Anonymous but nobody was there. I guess I came too soon.”

Entoan opened his eyes and gave a disappointed sigh.

“Oh my god, Dlive,” He rolled his eyes, cracking a smile, as Dlive started laughing, “I was so close to falling asleep, you dick,” he responded giggling. He turned around to face his lover.

“You know you love my puns.” The brunet responded kissing his boyfriend’s nose. Entoan crinkled it at the gesture.

“Of course I do, but I don’t like those nose kisses.”

“I love them so you’re gonna have to live with it,” Dlive responded smugly.

“Anyway, hit me up with another pun.” He responded.

“Okay, so, I want you to say ‘addicted’ after everything I say, okay?” Entoan simply nodded.

“What is someone who does drugs?”


“What is someone who drinks?”


“What hit you in the face last night?”

Without thinking Entoan responded, “Addicted.”

As Dlive started uncontrollably laughing, Entoan realised what the pun was. He started blushing and giggling, hiding his face in his pillow.

The muffled sound of his voice was then heard, “That was the worst pun I’ve heard in my entire life.” This only encouraged Dlive to laugh more.

The rest of the night was spent exchanging puns until the ass crack of dawn and then realizing how much of a bad idea it was when they woke up the next day at 2 pm.

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