Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Thank you guys for reading and if you enjoy the story please vote and tell me what you think. Your votes and comments motivate me to keep adding updates :)


    I was dead. I had to be for it to be this hot and my body to be in such pain. The sound of birds fighting made my eyes fly open and blink back my sand coated eyelashes. No. Not dead...yet. I wasn't so lucky to go that easily.
    I sat up slowly with a pained groan and held onto my still bleeding arm. Five buzzards were looming around me and two were even pecking at each other to see who would taste my flesh first. Bot today they wouldn't.
    I kicked at the large buzzards with my boots to scare them off. " Llegar lo más lejos posible de mí! [get the hell away from me] I yelled at the birds and fired a shot into the air and successful frightened them into taking flight and 'squawking' away.
    I stood from the ground and turned my arms around to look at the bullet wound. The bullet passed all the way through and left a bloody, dirty hole that hurt like a bitch. I put my gun back into its holster then reached down and tore a long ribbon from my shirt and wrapped it tightly around my wound.
     My eyes looked up and searched down the long highway for a sign of another car. Nothing. I looked down at my truck with defeat and felt my heart deflate at the sight of the shattered windows. I could flip it over and patch it up, but it would be expensive to get it looking good again.
    I was just going to kill him, but now I was going to make sure the gringo felt pain. I let out a string of curse words as I stepped closer to my truck and kneeled down to yank out my duffle bag that I slung across my shoulder.
    "I'm sorry," I said to my truck. Once I made it into a town I would pay a tow truck to haul my truck back. Until then my truck would have to lie on the side of the road.
    With my hand pressed against my bullet wound and gun at my hip, I trudged towards the highway and began making my journey in the direction I had been going. I would get that gringo and when I did I would make him suffer for this.
                             ✞  ✞  ✞

    Maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the buzzards who tagged along for the trip flying above my head. Or, maybe it was the gaping wound on my arms and glass wounds on my body that had me ready to put a bullet in my head. I didn't remember the nearest town to be so far away.
    I swore I had been walking for miles and hadn't seen a town or any signs of a town anywhere. There was just dirt and sand everywhere. And the damn buzzards. My gun was looking awfully tempting at this point.
    The distant roar of a motorcycle had my back grow rigid as I walked, yet I didn't stop. What are the odds that it would be my father or one of his biker buddies? Slim to none.
    I turned my head around as I continued to walk and turned it right back around. It was the hulk man. A.K.A Dredd the D*ck. I continued walking even when I heard the motorcycle begin to slow down.
    "And then God said, let Anna Dartez's life be shit," I muttered under my breath in my dry and scratchy voice. The motorcycle roared close behind me and then I heard it shut off, but continued walking.
    "Hey Little Brat, don't you know people die from walking in this heat?" Dredd called out and I heard the approach of his boots crunching on the loose rocks. I let my hand fall from my wounded arm and flipped him off before placing my blood dampened hand back over my arm.
    "Shit, your bleeding," he said and I heard him jog to catch up. "Stop," he ordered and took hold of my shoulder to stop and turn me around. His eyes took in my dishelved and bloody appearance then I shrugged his hand off of me and turned around to walk off.
    "What happened? What are you doing out here? Stop being a little f*cking brat for one goddamn second?" Dredd raised his voice and I turned around quickly.
    I was hot, tired, thirsty, my truck was flipped over, and I had been shot. I was not about to take shit from this d*ck.
    "My father once again pissed someone off and I had to bleed for it this time. F*ck him, f*ck the gringo, and f*ck you. Now, leave me alone," I fumed and turned to walk away.
   "You are the most stubborn bitch I've met. You're going to bleed and die out here," he calls out and I flip him off again.
    "You know what? F*ck this, I'm not gonna be the one to get my ass chewed out and kicked because I let his little brat die," Dredd said angrily and I heard his fast steps behind me before his iron hands were around my waist.
    He picked me up, kicking and flailing, and started back towards his motorcycle.
    "Let me go! Let me go you're hurting me!" I yelled as I continued to struggle in his hold. He set me down on my feet at my words and that's when I kicked him in his jewels.
    "Go f*ck yourself, asshole!" I spat out and trudged past his large body that was doubled over in pain. Shit, when did it get so hot? My body felt like jello and my head--my head felt so light that I couldn't even tell I had a head. My knees buckled when tiny black dots began to obscure my vision and then I collapsed face first into the dirt when everything went black.

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