Chapter Nineteen

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This man didn't flinch or speak as he carried me back into my prison with me kicking and screaming in his thick arms. He dumped me onto the bed and I winced when I bumped my arm on the bed. He had no sympathy for the injured, but I guess I couldn't blame him since I tried to rip his face off.
"Asshole," I groaned in pain while he sat in a chair beside the bed. He gave gave a carefree grunt and leaned back comfortably in the chair while he crossed his arms over his wide chest. I sat up holding my arm to my chest as it throbbed. He watched me with his dark eyes making me feel uncomfortable under his hard stare. What a d!ck.
The door opened and I turned to see my father walk in with a short grey haired man behind him. The man had a black bag in his hand and walked to the bed setting the bag down beside me.
"Thanks Dredd," my father said to the giant freak show sitting in the chair,"you can go now." Dredd stood and walked out of the room like the loyal dog he was. Everyone seemed to listen and respect James here, everyone except me.
"You can't keep me here," I bit out harshly.
"Can you look at that arm, Doc? I'm sure she reopened the wound," James said without acknowledging me. So, now he was ignoring?
"Sure thing," the man called Doc had a high, perky voice that sounded too friendly. He dug around in his bag then undid the bandages on my arm to reveal a bloody mess. Shit. How did that happen? Did I do that?
"Well," Doc said and peered down closely at the wound on my arm,"that doesn't look good." Wow. Who gave this genius his doctor degree?
"Are you even a doctor?" I questioned when he pulled out a clear bottle of liquid and some gauze pads.
"I'm all the doctor you're gonna need," he said with a smile. "Now, it looks like you tore the stitches right out so I'ma have to clean it up and redo the stitching." I watched him open the small cap of the bottle then pour it over my wound.
"PUTA MADRE!" I seethed in pain and felt hot moisture pool at my eyes from the sudden burning pain. "Usted huevo chupar , cabra de mierda hijo de puta! [You egg sucking, goat f*cking bastard!]
"What she say?" Doc asked and turned to James as he continued to pour the alcohol over the wound.
"You don't wanna know," James stated as he watched Doc. Doc stopped pouring the alcohol and dabbed at the hole in my arm with a piece of gauze. He dug around in his bag once again and pulled out a small box. From the box he pulled out a big ass curved needle and some surgical string.
"This is going to pinch just a bit," he explained and I gave him a dangerous glare. Did he not just see me in agonizing pain? I couldn't even feel my arm right now from how bad my arm was throbbing and he wanted to give me a heads up about pain now?
I turned my head away when he brought the needle towards my skin. I felt him pinch my skin together and gritted my teeth together from the pain. I felt faint tugging and then the stitching being pulled through my skin. Five or so agonizing minutes dragged by before I heard him give a sigh then snip the stitching.
I looked down at his handy work and saw that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. It was certainly better than any stitching I had done. But, then again I've only ever stitched myself up so it would be way harder than stitching up someone else.
He placed a piece of gauze over the wound then wrapped it securely with surgical wrapping. He then stood from the bed and began placing his tools back into his bag of torture.
"Make sure she doesn't rip those out too, Prez 'cause if she does she's likely to get an infection and then a whole slew of problems will happen," Doc instructed. It's not like I did it on purpose. I was trying to get away from my d!ckwad father and his army of scanks and gorillas. I almost did to it hadn't been for that walking steroid gorilla.
"I'll make sure she stays right here," James said and cast his eyes down to mine. I gave him my best bitch sneer and flipped him my beautiful finger.
"Yep," Doc drew out,"she's your daughter alright. No doubt about that. You know where I'll be if you need me."
"Thanks Doc," James said as Doc walked out of the room. James turned his attention back to me and loomed over me with an intimidating aura around him.
"What the hell are you looking at?" I bit out when he continued to stare down at me. "You knew I was going to try and get out of your STD factory as soon as I woke up. I don't give a shit if you had me fixed up or not, it doesn't make up for the damage you've already done. I am not staying here." He un-crossed his arms and moved to sit down beside me causing me to scoot to the side a few inches to put some distance between us.
"Anna, I can't apologize enough for what I did to you," he started off the speech I knew he was about to give,"but you're my daughter and I want to be a part of your life. I want to see you grow, get married, and have kids. I don't want to see you get shot and nearly killed. If someone is trying to hurt you then I want to protect you. I can't do that if you're far away." I shook my head and looked down at my dirty boots.
"You can't keep me here like a caged animal and you sure as hell can't have your puta put her damn hands on me and try to act like my mother," I said with venom heavy in my voice.
"She's trying, Anna. All we can do is try," he said with his voice softening.
"Well stop, okay? I don't want you or your pet whore anywhere near me. Just--just get out of here and leave me alone. You've done enough damage as it is," I muttered and kept my eyes on my boots knowing that if I looked up I'd see his eyes on me.
"I'll leave you alone, for now," he said and walked to the door. I heard him stop and assumed he turned around to face me.
"You can't expect me to give up on you and I think we both know that I won't. I'll fix this, Anna. I'll fix this and I'll fix whatever hole you've gotten into," he added then closed the door. My head perked up when I didn't hear the lock click, but my shoulders slumped in defeat when the heart-sinking sound came a short time later. I'm getting real tired of your shit, karma.


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