Chapter Two: Janitors Wear Sweatervests

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"Well, lookie 'ere mate! Yer on night shift! Th' dinner girl jus quit. Seems like yer the food guy now."

Washington pointed to a paper tacked to a bulletin board in the spacious cafeteria. There read my name, and the new job I was assigned to. It had been a few days since I had been recruited, and I was starting to get along with a lot of the staff. Well, most of them.

"Food guy? That means I go into the cells and give them food, right?" I asked, clearly worried about losing an arm, or worse: My life.

Wash nodded. "Dun' worry 'bout it. Most o' the crazies are chained down. Jus' stay out of their chainlength and you'll be fine."

That's what I liked about Washington. Having experienced the same thing as I was going through now, he was practically able to read my thoughts and emotions about the place. We had become pretty good friends, and I hoped to keep it that way.

"What are you testosterone-filled excuses for meatbags doin'? I just mopped this floor."

A girl's voice sounded behind us, and I quickly turned around, this time resisting the reaction of taking a weapon to the speaker.

"'Lo there, Amber, been tah any stripclubs lately? Done a lil' business have ya?"

That must've made her angry. Almost instantly, I could see her glare across to the now amused Washington beside me.

"Shut yer trap, redneck. Before I shove a handle up yer ass." She growled. I stood in the middle, watching the tension-filled air between them. As Wash would say, I could 'cut it with a knife an' serve it fer breakfast'.

"Heh. Someone's on their period." He grumbled, motioning for me to follow. "Lets get goin'. Gotta show ya to the kitchen."

I could already tell that Washington had a fear of this girl. However, something told me his pride would cover it up.

"So you're the new guy? I was wondering when you'd show up. You have a lot of work to do."

She raised an eyebrow, resting a handheld wrench on her bare shoulder. Her hair color was a deep auburn, and it came to about her shoulderblades. She wore a low-cut black and white sweatervest, with the sleeves rolled up to mid upper-arm,and mechanic's coveralls, held in place with a belt and allowing the sleeves to hang down at her waist.

"Work?" I questioned. I hadn't done much in the past few days, and I was more than a little eager to actually do something productive.

"Yes, work. You know, the opposite of slacking off? Now let's go. As much as I hate to admit it, we have to follow that filthy pig to the kitchen."

Amberlynn explained to me what I was supposed to do. She even did a quick runthrough for my first shift. It wasn't too hard. Just slide the tray under the door for the crazier ones, and I was allowed to enter the rooms of the other patients. Some of them brought up conversation, while others kept silent.

As I finished up my last room, I told Amber that she could continue with her work and be on her way, and started on my night shift.

I ran a hand through my hair and paced back and forth through the halls. Working at night wasn't too good on my nerves. Or maybe it was the scary asylum movies my brother used to make me watch when I was younger. Either way, my nerves were as good as shot. I sighed.

"Okay, just keep it together. None of them can reach me in the hallway. I'll just pace back and forth, and keep my mind off things..."

Tap tap tap.

A light rapping sound at the end of the hall stopped me dead in my tracks, and at that moment, I nearly screamed like a girl.

Patient Four Hundred Three. He stood directly behind his cell door, seeming to stare me directly in the eye through the black cloth.

Tap tap tap.

I peered through the window, locking eyes with the patient.

"What is it? You hungry? I could...You know, maybe sneak you some food--"

He shook his head and walked toward the middle of the room, turning around to stare at me yet again. Was he inviting me inside?


I couldn't trust patient 403. Both Amber and Washington had told me never to go inside.

But he was chained up, right? The least I could do was talk to him...

Before I could change my mind yet again, I took a deep breath and flung the door open. The smell of blood was overwhelming, and I stumbled lightly, closing the door behind me. I took a few more deep breaths before approaching the figure, ever so quietly. My heart raced, and my mind screamed for me to get out of there. But I refused to listen. I felt I needed to help him, and that was what I was going to do.

My foot hit the dragging chain connected to the patient's ankle and he whipped around, making his way towards me. Acting fast, I reached for my taser and pointed it towards him.

"C-come any closer and I'll zap you!"

My voice wavered, but it seemed to have stopped the monster before me. He froze, turning around, making me raise an eyebrow. This was frustrating. I should at least been able to understand what he wanted.

I bit my lip and followed my gut, untying the gag and allowing him to be able to speak. He smirked and let out a chuckle.

"Aren't you a softie...Officer."

His voice hit me right then and there. Fear struck my heart, and I backed up a few steps, holding the weapon steady.

"I have a weapon..." I threatened, my hands beginning to shake.

The patient chuckled again, sending chills down my spine. And that was when the straight jacket came off. I backed against the closest wall. I probably shouldn't have.

I blinked, and suddenly the weapon I was holding was gone. Instead I came face to face with a blindfolded, grinning monster. Another wave of pain struck through my entire body.

"How does it feel? To have your own weapon used against you...?"

His grin widened, and as if on cue, the black cloth slipped down around his neck, and my fearful eyes met his gleaming, violet stare.

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