Chapter 9

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Daniela's POV

I finally got done making the pizzas and they came out perfect! I smiled to myself and Ace said he would pick out a movie and walked back out to the living room. I put the pizzas on the counter and cut them up. Noah looked at me and when I looked back at him he gave me a sexy wink. I blushed but looked down quickly to hide it. I heard him get up from his chair and walk over me, he put one finger under my chin and lifted my head up and looked into my eyes. I looked back into his deep green eyes. "Don't look down, you're so beautiful." I smiled and nodded. I didn't want to look away, he slowly got closer to me and closed his eyes. Oh my lord!! He's gonna kiss you!! I said to myself. I slowly closed my eyes and leaned in, waiting for his lips to touch mine. "Ahem..." We both pulled away to look at Luke standing in the kitchen door way. "Movies starting, hate to intrude." He said and walked away. "I'm sorry...." Noah said, a sad expression on his face which made me feel awful. "No, it's okay..." I said and took his hand to lead him out to the living room. There was a space on the couch but I knew me and Noah wouldn't both fit. "Here, take the couch. I'll sit on the floor." I said. "Ah ah ah, nope. You take the couch." I put my hands on my hips. "No." I blankly said. He sat down and grabbed my hands and pulled me on his lap. "There, hope you're not uncomfortable." "N-no this..this is fine..." I blushed a deep red. "Good." He said with a smile. I just sat on his lap awkwardly and looked at the Tv. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. "It's fine, you can lean into me Dani, I don't bite." I giggled a little at his comment and made myself comfortable. Ace announced that the movie was "I Am Legend" and I shut my eyes tight because I knew what this movie was about and I don't do zombie movies. I heard Noah laugh a little and he wrapped his arms around me tighter. "It's okay, I'll protect you haha." "Oh, why thank you." I said in my best princess accent.

*about a half hour into the movie*

I was probably the only one in my dorm balling my eyes out when the dog died. "No Sam!! Why you!!" I cried. "Shhhhhh...there there Daniela." Noah said, in effort of trying to comfort me. "Why the dog..." I sniffled. After a couple scenes my eyes started to get heavy, and I started to get tired. I leaned into Noah and rested my head on his chest. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he pulled me closer. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Noah's POV

I pulled her closer to me and felt her warm body against mine. She was so small, and we fit perfectly together. The movie finally ended and I shifted a little hoping she would get up. "Daniela...are you sleeping..? Wake upppp..." She didn't move so I guessed she fell asleep on me, I just smiled to myself and picked her up. Ace looked at me and he didn't seem to happy with me carrying Daniela off to bed. "Goodnight guys. Nice to meet you all." I said to everyone as they walked out. I continued to carry Daniela to bed, trying to be gentle and quiet. I laid her down on her bed and pulled a blanket over her and I started to walk away. "Noah..." I heard her sleepy voice say. "Yea? What is it?" I asked. "I'm cold." "Oh, well..let's see if I can help you." I said and crawled into bed with her. She cuddled with me. "That's better." "Glad I could help." I said and smiled to myself. I slowly drifted off to sleep with her.

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