Bahagian Satu

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Fyy's POV

"Puan, I made this cake for you, Creamy Lemon-Berry Cheesecake. You may share with your roommate."

"Roommate I cuti lah hari ni." kata Puan Lyana sambul membuka kotak kek. "Quarter only?"

"It's better than nothing kan ? Plus, you ni demand lah."

"Just kidding, my little Fyy. By the way, thanks. You look great in your new hairstyle. Fliphair sikt ?"

"Haha. So, how is your holidays ?"

"It went great. Sunny day, sandy beach, I love it."

"Good then."

"And you know what's the next thing that I love ?"

"What ?"

"Your hair, it's perfect. Suits with your face, and your fliphair is damn cute."


Yeahh, aku suka kat my own lecturer a.k.a my supervisor for my Final Year Project. Tapi dia dah jadi puan, means bini orang, and my policy is 'jangan kacau bini orang.' Nak buat macam mana kan. Sudah tersuka bini orang. Susah, susah. First time, I saw her, she is like an angel to me. Badannya kecil molek, mukanya yang flawless, suara yang merdu, bijak lagi. Everyhting about her are perfect. Perfect. But, when I knew that she's somebody else wife, my heart is totally broken. I burst into tears. So sad. Blahh, a lot drama. Well, it was three month ago when I first saw her. Now, my heart is rebuild, not that broken, dia layan aku dan partner Final Year Project aku dengan sangat baik. But, I still love her so I brought her durians, rambutans, dan macam-macam lagi. Haha.

"Awak, awak nak cheesecake tak ?"


"Datang bilik sayalah."


Okay, yang aku baru call tadi ni adalah partner Final Year Project aku, RA nama dia. RA stands for ? Err, no need to know. She's my lab partner since we're in third semester. Dia sangat penyabar, sebab aku sangat pemalas. Not in bad way, pemalas-pemalas aku, aku siapkan kerja on time, study for test, kemas almari setiap seminggu, basuh baju setiap dua hari. But still, aku suka tidur, and RA selalu kata aku pemalas. So whatever, RA. RA seorang gadis yang sangat gadis, while I'm a butch. Dia pakai tudung, tiga pin kebawah, while errr, me too pakai tudung, but going to class only. Dia banyak kali nasihat aku suruh berubah, for sure lah kan, since the first semester. But still, I don't know why, I'm just born this way. A lot lecturers are not aware that I'm a bad girl, just like Puan Lyana, the first time she saw me freehair, mata dia bulat sangat, terkejut. Hahaha. That was hillarious, and dia suka suruh aku buat fliphair eventhough dia tahu rambut aku tak boleh buat fliphair because of rambut aku yang pendek dan kerinting macam Gu Jun Pyo. Sekarang tidak lagi, aku dah rebond rambut. Yeah. Okay, okay. Back to RA. My roomies always said that we are a very contrast couple. She's white and I'm black. Dia baik sangat, while I'm a gay and I have a lot of ex-girlfriend. p/s: now I'm single and available.

"Awakkk." panggil RA sambil mengetuk pintu hadapan.

"Masuk jea lah awakk. Macam tak biasa."

"Mana cheesecake awak ?"

"After a week of holiday, all you search for by coming here is cake ? not me ?"

"Mengada-ngada lah awak ni. Mana cheesecake saya ?" kata RA sambil menjelir lidak kepada aku.

"Nah, ni dia. Makan lah dengan roomies awak semua. Kirim salam kat depaaa, okayyyy ?"

"Okayy. Byee."

"Jap, jap. Gimme a kiss." kata aku, dan terus RA mencium aku dipipi kanan.

"Btw, rambut awak!"

"What's wrong with my hair ?"

"Dah lurus." kata RA sambil tersenyum sinis. "Bye, Fyy sayanggg. Muahh."

"Dapat cheesecake, sayang lah."

Okay, lupa nak inform yang RA memang bahasakan diri dia saya dan awak. Gedik kan. Tapi itulah realitinya. Masa first time aku kenal dengan RA, masa tu sem satu, aku rasa dia annoying sangat, dah lah, bahasakan diri saya-awak, then dia macam ramai gila peminat. Ciss. Last-last, she's my partner. Aishhh.

Hanya Kamu (gxg) (Bahasa Melayu) ( TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now