What made her so different?

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"Natsu Dragneel!" The blue-haired women screamed for her son, making the young male groan and stomp towards her. He approached the women and crossed his arms in front of his chest, a large pout on his face. "What do you want, mom?" He whined, still mad about how she's sending him off to  his family's camp once again.

"Oh stop whining and help me with loading these things," She said pointing towards the rest of the bags that were on the ground,  while she put her bag inside the van. Natsu only groaned and picked the stuff up caring it to the van, helping with the loading as his mother  now watched.

All he wanted was to at least spend his summer somewhere else but this stupid camp but no, his mom and dad decided that he'll go every year until he's old enough to inherit the stupid camp.

It was bad enough that he goes every year, why does he need to go there again and again? Sure, it was fun the first few years but now its boring as hell.

He's been going since he was just eight years old and going for the ninth year wasn't that exciting as the first few years he's went. He begged his mom over and over again to let him stay home this year but no matter what he said, she still said he has to go. He even threatened that he'll burn down the forest with everybody in it but she didn't believe him so she said he'll still go.

He could do that but he knows he'll be in a shit load of trouble and he wouldn't have the guts to do that to innocent people. His friends and family are going to be there also, so, why kill them?

"Mom, why can't Wendy just go and I stay here? I can stay home and feed our pet dragon!"  

"Natsu, for the last time, no, and we don't even have a dragon nor do they exist," Grandine rolled her eyes, sighing at her sons childish behavior.

He loaded the last bag into the trunk as he closed it, following his mom to the driver's seat. "Please? a I'm a seventeen year old boy; let me do what I want for a change!"

"No, Natsu, and thats final. Now get in the van, we'er going to leave,"

"I am not going!" Natsu declared, crossing his arms while glaring at his own mother who glared back. "Natsu, if your not in this car by the time I count to three, I will make you regret not listening to me,"

"Yeah right like you would hurt your own children," Natsu said while rolling his eyes.

"Try me,"


"Goddamn that devil women," Natsu muttered while rubbing his head, walking down the hallway to the main room, where basically meetings and dining is held.

He got his t-shirt and he whore it now, wearing baggy pants with sandals. He had a scale-white scarf around his neck, something that was passed down from generation to generation in the Dragneel family. It looked like a comfortable attire but he was the least comfortable.

While walking down the pathway, he watched how the campers all greeted the male. They giggled smiled-blushed and screamed. It was just like the previous years of endless fan-girling and fan-boying. The females always seemed to have small crushes on the male counselors while the male campers had crushes on the female counselors. It just happen to be that the counselors were really good looking.

Natsu chosen most of the counselors since he was the son of the owner of the Camp Dragneel so of course, he picked all his friends who actually volunteered to do this.

It wasn't his fault his friends were attractive, it just happened like that. But to him, he just saw them as one of his friends, nobody there was 'girlfriend' material to him.

Well maybe there was his childhood best friend, Lisanna. She was sorta okay, but she's also like a sister to him so that'll be weird.

"Hey, here comes the idoit." He heard, his head snapping up to glare at the person who just insulted him. It was his best friend/rival, Gray Fullbuster whom he's known for almost eleven years, now.

"You know, this is a camp is not a strip club," Natsu pointed out, making gray look down and shout in confusion.

Natsu only rolled his eyes as gray went around to try and find his clothes while others greeted him. "Welcome back, Natsu!" His friend, Mirajane said, smiling sweetly like the angel she is. Next came Lisanna, the female flinging herslef on the male. "Natsu!"

Natsu awkwardly hugged back, patting her back. "H--hey Lisanna," He mumbled, not sure what to do. He looked up to see his scarlet-hair friend approaching them with a small smile on her face. "Natsu, glad to see you actually came." 

"Yeah, yeah," He mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Do we have any new people joining us this year?"

"Yeah, I heard we'er getting a new counselor. Her name is Lucy,"  Mira said while showing him the list full of counselors. There was twelve names listed and the Lucy chick was the last one on, the rosy-haired male squinting slightly to try and read it. "Wheres the rest? Levy? Gajeel? Juvia? Elfman? Jellal? Loke?"

"Juvia is on her way while Levy and Gajeel are by  the lake, setting things up. The others-i'm not so sure."

"Then where is this Luigi chick?"

"Lucy," Mira corrected him, frowning at his nonchalant manner. "Yeah, her, is she coming?"

Suddenly, as if it was on cue, the door flew open and came a blond, dragging her multiple bags behind her. She had a scowl on her face as she struggled to drag her bags in, her tight camp shirt showing off the curves she had while her blond hair was in a messy bun.

"I think that's her," Gray said, having a difficult time prying his eyes off the new counselor while Natsu gawked. "What the fuck--"

"Urgh, this place is so dirty," she whined, dropping her bags by the door.  She huffed and dusted her hands as she looked up, noticing the others were staring at her as if she was kind of stupid.

She flushed as Erza was the first one to approach, smiling. "Hello, you must be Lucy; I'm Erza, one of the counselors. Nice to meet you,"

"Lucy. Sorry I'm a bit late, I sort of got lost and yeah . . ." She nervously laughed while Mira and Lisanna approached her also, greeting and introducing. The four females got along together as Erza turned and looked at the two boys that seemed frozen on spot. "And those two idoits over there are Natsu and Gray," Erza said, pointing to the boys making Lucy turn and look at the attractive males.

"Oh, hey,"

Gray quickly came over to her after he realized Erza was giving him the death look, smirking slightly while he extended his hand out. "Names Gray," He introduced himself, shaking her hand. Lucy shook his hand back and turned to look at the pink haired male who now, stood in front of her.

Natsu gulped while looking down at the blond in front of him. Why was he so nervous? What made her so different from the other girls here?

"U--uh, hi. I'm Lucy."


Suddenly, it just became died silent as an awkward silence pasted through the counselors. Natsu and Lucy both awkwardly glanced at the floor and so did everyone else. It shifted into such a heavy atmosphere.

Just then, Natsu pulled on his scarf and cleared his throat, pointing at the door. "Uh, err, well,  I'm gonna go, see ya around,"

"O--oh, bye?"

Watching how the attractive male walked away from her, It made Lucy think if there were something wrong with her. 

Could he actually not be attracted to her?

So what did you guys think? cute right? I know theres not a lot of NaLu going on but I asure you there will be in the next few chapys! Anyways...Byezzzzz xP

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