The lunch room, what will happen?

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Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted but here you go! And Imma try and post alot now. Well hope you enjoy :)

The campers and counselors all gathered in the main room, ready to eat lunch as their day will be starting soon. Lucy sat at the counselors table, picking at her food which didn't look very edible. Everyone else seemed to be used to it but this was not floating with her boat.

"So Lucy, how do you like camp?" A small counselor asked as she sat next to Lucy with her lunch tray in hand. Lucy looked up at the counselor as they all stared at her, waiting for her answer.
"Well, uhh, its alright." She shrugged,  looking down at her food that still didn't look appetizing. 
"Its fun, but the kids are really-"

"Perverted? Idiotic? Crazy?" Levy finished for her making her smile and nod. "Yes, especially all the boys in my cabin." 

"Oh don't worry, Luce. I'll take care of you." Natsu joined in their conversation making Lucy scoff. 
"I can take care of myself, thank you very much." 

"Is that why I saved your ass from being violated from all those boys in our cabin earlier?"
Natsu smirked earning a glar from the blond.

It wasn't her fault, she could have handled it by herself but Natsu just had to enter when she was about to do something. It's not like she couldn't handle younglings, she was just not used to kids hitting on her.

"You'er stuck here for three months, you'er gonna get used to it." Gray nodded in her direction, grabbing his piece of garlic bread and biting into it.  He was already used to all the goo-goo eyes he
received from all the girl campers. It was worse since he has a bad stripping habit without even noticing he stripped.

Lucy sighed and nodded as she popped a piece of food in her mouth, trying hard not to let the taste bother her.

All day she's been receiving stares and hearing about how guys lust over her while the girls admiring her, some even glaring. It was just so bothersome; There are more beautiful ladies here and she has to be the lust one in here? Maybe they already have gotten lust on, maybe it was just because she was the new one. Either way, it was still annoying.

"So any questions, Lucy?" Mirajane asked, smiling sweetly making it impossible for Lucy not to smile back. "Well, I don't know why the girls and guys share cabins?"

"We share cabins since the girls do take forever to get ready so we put them in one huge cabin together so the guys could make the girls get ready quicker and guys go faster. We all work better together too." Natsu explained as he chugged down a water bottle, earning a nod from Lucy.
"But, girl's need privacy."

"We'er there to see if their behaving anyways so it doesn't really matter."

"Well I for one don't like this cabin sharing."

"I don't either but I guess we have to deal with it huh?" Erza said sighing in defeat making Lucy nod in agreement. "Anyways what are we going to do asfter lunch?" She asked as she looked at Natsu since he was the son of the man  who owns the camp and he should know about it by now. But it didn't look like he knew either, shrugging at her. Probably bonfire? or start activities."

"Oh Natsu-kun!" A shout of his name made him turn as he noticed it was a group of girls all blushing and giggling. Natsu only awkwardly shifted his gaze to the girl's, smiling a bit. "Hi."

He felt really awkward doing this, was it because the girls were practically head-over-heels in love with him? Or maybe cause they'er blushing and giggling like idiots?

"Natsu-kun, Natsu-kun," One whined annoying Lucy even more. That whining just made he want to stand up and give that girl a slap on the face-like how could someone whine so much?

"Why aren't we in your cabin this year?" Another girl whined making the other one's agree with her.

Gray sighed and rolled his eyes while the other counselors ignored them. They were already used to all the flirting and whining from the boys and girls, it happened every year.

"I don't know, I don't choose,"

"I want to be in your caaaabin, Naatsu-kuuun!"

"I do too; Can't you switch some girls out or something?"

"What about the other counselor? Why not switch her out instead?"

"Why don't you girls get switched out with someone less ugly and bitchy? Shut up and accept it damnit." Lucy hissed as it just came out of her mouth without her realizing it. When she saw the looks of disbelief shooting in her direction, she noticed it was her who said that and she said something insulting to somebody she barely knew, so she quickly put a hand over her mouth, her eyes going wide.

She looked around to see the others were looking at her with wide eyes and jaws dropped to the floor, shocked on what they have just heard also. The girls were also horrified, looking at Lucy as if they were going to cry or scream at her.

"I-I mean-"

"Natsu-kun! Save us!" They cried, tackling Natsu to the ground with sobs. A yelp of surprise came out of his mouth as he feel to the floor with the girls all toppling over on top of him. Lucy made a small groaning sound and looked away, looking pissed off seeing all the girls on top of him.

She just had a bad feeling inside her chest and decided to look away. Gray noticed and smirked a bit, before turning to them."Hey ladies." He greeted earning squeals from them. He sighed and sweat dropped, muttering a, "Why am I even doing this?" to himself before continuing. "Better get off of little miss Natsu there." He said as he pointed towards Natsu who just awkwardlyn lied there looking at Gray with a confused look but was grateful he was helping.

"Eh? Why should we Gray-kun? That blondie over there is going to kill us!" One said as she shivered looking at Lucy and back at Gray to smile brightly. "Hey, that Lucy, not blondie!" Natsu scolded them, trying to sit up but failed to do so. He just sighed in defeat, lying there with the three crazy fan-girls on top of him.

"Well, you see that 'scary' blond?" Gray asked, pointing at Lucy who was looking at him in disbelief. Was he siding with them too? 

She's his girlfriend."













Hey and sorry! Its just sooooooooo short. But I can't do anything about it. BUT the next one will be way longer then this, I'm going to try and post it tomorrow. But if I don't then there will be a bonus chapter. Anways I'm working on a one-shot story which I'm going to try and post tomorrow or the next day as well. And it's like a one-shot but not, there will be like 2 pages. But it will be CUTE! I hope :/

WEll see ya'll latter and Byezzzzz :P

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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