prologue: part one

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(Picture is of Kanna when she was seven)
Screams could be heard through out the village as a baby was born. The baby was female and had dark pink hair but on her head were porcelain white horns symblizing she was a diclonius. The baby cryed as her mother looked at her in disgust. The baby's father took the child and looked at it the look of love filled his eyes then his wife bore another child this one was also female and had the same pink hair and porcelain white horns as the first but this one did not cry for it was already dead the father loked at the dead baby then at the one in his arms who was now looking up at him with bright pink eyes "your name will be Kanna representing the void your sister left" the baby's father said and laid her down in a crib the baby's mother glared at her

"Stupid monster" she mumbled and fell asleep

•••seven years later•••
Seven year old Kanna ran through the village she slowed to a stop as she saw the glares the villagers gave her "monster!" A young woman with a child yelled

"Why dont you die" yelled another Kanna begain to cry as she bolted to her house and ran inside

"Kanna child why are you crying" her father asked he cared for his daughter for like her he was secretly a diclonius

"Honey leave the monster alone" said Kanna's mother

"Mommy why does everyone call me a monster" Kanna asked

"Because you are one" her mother said sharply

"Tsuki she's you daughter" yelled her father

"She's your daughter Daichi not mine i wont acept it" Tsuki yelled Kanna watched the whole thing as anger pulsed through her body

"N-no" Kanna said Tsuki and Daichi looked at her

"What" Tsuki said

"You are the monsters" Kanna yelled as she did Daichi and Tsuki's heads were cut clean off by Kanna's vectors Kanna then ran out of the villge and fanted at the Leaf village gate

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