Chapter 3: We did what?!

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I woke up to a pounding headache, blurred vision, and a strangely abnormal feeling of dread eating away at my stomach. And then I realized it: I slept in my contact lenses.

I groaned and took them out of my eyes, throwing them on the ground and pulling a pillow over my head. "Jo!" I called through the pillow, too lazy to get up and get my glasses. When she didn't come, I poked my head up so I could see the blurry shapes of the room around me. Unfortunately, it wasn't my bedroom.

I was lying on a couch across from what I guessed was a TV, but I wasn't so sure. It could've been a very large black lab. I'm legally blind without contacts or glasses. Noting how I basically just lost my contacts, glasses were the only way to see at the moment, and I had absolutely no idea where they were.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the pillow over my face again; fuzzy images make me dizzy for some reason or another. "Jo! KaCee!" When they ignored me again, I managed to get up off the couch and stumble into the kitchen without mortally wounding myself. I scowled at my two "friends" making me lunch. "Hey. Blind girl just woke up on an unfamiliar couch. She needs her glasses."

"Jo's making lunch," Jo countered.

"KaCee's too lazy," KaCee said.

I frowned and crossed my arms. "Jo, can you please tell me where my bag is?" We'd left our stuff at KaCee's house before leaving for the concert, expecting to spend the night at her house, but we hadn't gone inside.

Oh my God.

The concert.

We'd kidnapped One Direction.

Oh. My. God.

I must've looked uneasy, because Jo actually did something nice and grabbed my bag for me. "Catch," she shouted, chucking it at me.

Miraculously enough, I caught it (one thousand points for the legally blind teenagers!) and fished around in it for my glasses. I eventually found them and put them on, blinking at the sudden clarity. "Whoa. Nice kitchen," I commented, trying hard not to mention the unfortunate English boys most likely locked up somewhere in the house. "Um, so...where's your sister?"

"Out camping with her boyfriend and his friends," KaCee replied.

"What about her friends?"

"What friends?"

For some odd reason, Jo found that hilarious. I, being the selfless person I was, bit my lip. "Oh. So, um...what's for lunch?"

KaCee shrugged. "Whatever you'd like, I guess. There's tons of food in the fridge."

I nodded. "And how's One Direction doing?"

"Still unconscious," the blonde maniac said as if she was talking about the weather.

I stared at her, unsure of how to react. "Um, yeah, okay. Uh, what're they gonna eat? Or drink? And what if someone finds out?"

"We'll feed them," KaCee promised. "And our parents are all our of town, right? I mean, it's not like anyone can--"

My phone decided to ring at that moment, and I quickly answered it. "Hey!"

"Oh, hi, honey!" I heard my mom's voice on the other end. "How are you? We just wanted to make sure things were going okay!"

I glared at KaCee. "Yeah, we're fine."

"Is Joel okay?"

Joel, my less amazing 14-year-old brother, had apparently been momentarily forgotten in my moment of panic. "Yeah, he's great. He spent the night with the Church boys."

"Oh, that's good. How's your lunch going?"

"Just started making it, actually. I'll call you back, okay?" I felt bad just hanging up on her, but I honestly had nothing else to say. I knew that Florida was hot, sticky, sunny.... I didn't need to know about them seeing the manatees or dolphins like I'd always wanted to find, or about the beaches and sand dollars or whatever they found. I honestly wanted to keep my jealousy to a minimum.

"Alright! Love you!"

"Love you too."

"Dad says 2.9, whatever that means."

I laughed at the old inside joke. Basically, whenever we send each other hearts in text messages, he writes out the whole "less than three" thing instead of "<3" like he should. That eventually turned into 2.9. "Awesome," I said. "Square root of pi, Dad! Bye, Mom."

I hung up on her and sighed. "Okay, so why'd we kidnap them, anyways?"

There was a few minutes of (miraculous) silence before KaCee spoke up. "We could teach them to kill people," she said slowly, hesitantly.

I stared at her. "We're gonna teach them to MURDER?!"

- Laura

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