Stream writing that im too lazy to title

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oops. i forgot to say I was doing a stream over here lmao but heres a stream writing <3 luV IT



"INSERT YOUR DICK IN MY ASS" tyler yelled at kyle :p

No jk

Oka y th en


"Tyler, don't make it gay." Kyle muttered as Tyler rubbed up against him.

"But all the fuckin homo~" Tyler said. He was drunk. Kyle knew that.

"Tyler how much of that wine did you have." Kyle groaned, shoving Tyler off of him, then Tyler kissed his neck. "oh, only like," he hiccupped, "1...100 shots"

"Love me~" Tyler pushed Kyle onto the bed.


"Yes~" Tyler tried to unbutton Kyles pants but then slapped Tyler, and shoved him off.

"No, Tyler."

"Yes, Tyler" Tyler tried to get on top him again, but Kyle walking away from the bed altogether.

"Stop giving me that hard love, Kyle~"

"im NOT GIVING YOU HARD LO V E TYLER GO AWAY" Kyle tried to walk out the door, and walked into the one and only bRAD.

Brad then looked at Kyle drunkenly. "shit not you too." Kyle said, groaning. "Oh, you already turned on?"

"heS MINE BRAD" Tyler yelled, shoving Brad against the wall, heading towards Kyle now.

Kyle collapsed on to the floor, after tripping over something he couldn't actually give a shit what, and leaned up against the wall.

Brad pulled Tyler back by the hair, and said "noO HES MINE BITCH"

"NOOO, HES MI N E!" Tyler yelled at Brad, shoving him against the wall, staying in front of him a moment, giving Brad a chance.

Brad kissed tyler, and Tyler looked sorta revolted for a minute, but then kissed back. They got in a full makeout match for dominance, and Kyle just looked at them oddly.

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