•||• Chapter 9 •||•

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Rickys pov

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy. I don't remember when I slept.
"Mr. Olson glad your awake"
A doctor said. I still could feel pain I could barely move.
"How long was I here?"
"For 2 days. You got a couple of visitors as you can see"
The doctor said and I looked around and saw Ghost and Chris also Ryan.
"Hey Rick we are glad your okay. The other guys left a couple of minutes ago. They went to buy some food"
Chris said and I smiled weakly.
I then remembered about Sarah. How could I forget her!?
"Sarah! Where is Sarah?!"
I said panicking.
"Mr. Olson please calm Dow she is next room. Please have some rest"
"No I cant! I want to see her no actually I need to see her!"
"Ricky calm down do as what the doctor says"
I shook my head and was about to get up but Ryan grabbed me and lightly pushed me back.
"Stay calm. I'll check on her"
"Fine but tell me if she is okay"
I said and he nodded.

As Ryan left the room the doctor handed me some water.
"Here you go Olson"
I nodded smiling.

Ryan's pov

I went to the next room and saw a girl there with lots of bruises and some cuts and she had a bandage wrapped on her leg near her thigh. She still had her eyes closed and I let out a sigh not knowing what to tell Ricky.

I went back to Ricky's room and he was starring at me.
He said in a rough voice.
"Um she is still asleep I guess"
He then got mad and I tried to calm him down. We all tried to calm him down.
"Let go I need to see her!"
He said yelling the last part.
"No you don't! Ricky she is fine!"
Chris said but Ricky didn't stop fighting.
"Mr. Olson please I need you to calm down this instance!"
A doctor said. Ricky glarred at the doctor and I glared at Ricky who still looked pissed.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
The doctor said. I looked back at Ricky who just shrugged.
"No... But she is my closes friend"
"Well even so you will have to calm down for your own good"
The doctor said and left leaving the door open.
"Can someone please shut the door?"
Ricky said all weakly and tired.
"I can"
We all heard a voice coming through the door and we saw Josh with the others.
"Hey Ricky what's up?"
Angelo said coming from behind Josh.
"Not much and you?"
Ricky chuckled and so did Angelo.
"I'm going to use the restroom"
I said and they all nodded.

Sarah's pov

((Short pov))
I was like dreaming or something. I didn't know where I was. I didn't know if I was still alive. Is the place where I am even a place? I tried everything I could that might just make me wake-up form a dream. But none worked.
I yelled but no responses. The road was endless and getting darker also colder.
I said trying to hold my tears and fears in. I than gave up and kneeled down putting my hands behind my neck not knowing what to do.
"Please wake up already!"
I said in between sobs but no reply just the wind.

I got back up and ran forward following the road no matter how dark or cold it got. I just wanted to get out. And fast.

His little horror(Ricky olson fan fiction)EDITING!¡Where stories live. Discover now