Chapter 9

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I was walking around school during lunch and my phone rang. I checked the ID and it was Jb.

"Yeboseyo~" I answered.

"Hye Mi-ah..... Can you meet me on the roof? I have something to tell you" Jb said nervously.

"Uh... Yeah I'm on my way up" I said and hung up.

I wonder what Jb wants to tell me. He's been acting weird lately since him and Mark were "roughhousing".

I walked to the roof and met Jb. He was sitting on the bench where we had lunch that one time. I crept up behind him and covered eyes.

"Yah give me your lunch money and no one gets hurt!" I laughed right after I said that. Jb held my hands and brought me to the other side of the bench. He let go of my hands and started pacing back and forth.

"Oppa, is everything okay?", I was worried about him.

He finally stopped. He faced me and took a breath.

"Hye Mi, you're the only person I feel closest to. When your down, I wanna be the one that holds you. When your happy, I wanna be there to share the joy. You are the person I can tell anything and everything to. When I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything.... and I'm not afraid to tell you that..." he sat next to me and pulled his face close to mine.

"I like you...Hye Mi." 

Jb looked down at my lips and slowly leaned in to kiss me. My eyes widened at the sudden kiss. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that", he said with a smile.

I sat there speechless.

"Jb...." I finally uttered the words.


I was looking for Hye Mi. I wanted to make up with her after what I did. I saw her heading up to the roof.

I followed her up the stairs. When she was at the roof, I saw her sneak up on someone. It's was Jb.


"I like you...Hye Mi." Jb said. He leaned in and kissed her.

Wow, he finally confessed... but why do I have this weird feeling in my chest?

"Jb...." Hye Mi finally spoke.

"You don't have to give me an immediate answer. Just think about it okay?"

Hye Mi gave a small nod.

Shit! They're coming this way.

I headed back to class before they could see me.

Hye Mi and Jb came into class and sat in there seats.

"Hye Mi", I said.

No response.

"Yah! Go Hye Mi!" I clapped my hands in front of her face causing her to jump, "What's gotten into you? You're normally don't space out like this."

"O-Oh I've just got a lot on my mind...lately", she stuttered.


After school, Jb drove us home. We didn't speak at all. When we got home, I ran up to my room and threw myself on the bed. I grabbed my bear, that Mark won for me, and hugged it.

*sigh* Teddy, eottoke? Jb confessed to me and I don't know how I feel about him. We've known each other for such a long time and he cares so deeply for me. UGGHHHHH!

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