Chapter 18

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It had been about a month since your last encounter with Edward Elric. In that time period you have been closer than ever to uncovering who this mysterious leader was. From the information and facts that you have gathered, you were currently tailing then though Resembool. Whoever this person was, covered up pretty well, only flaw was that a blonde pony-tail was visible. The connection between this suspect and Winry was the fact that they both had the same coloured hair, and the same length. You finally decided to make your mind up and label the suspect as female. She wore all black, it was a sleek fitting outfit, personally you thought it was more for show than anything. The outfit was accustomed with knee high black leather boots with maybe an inch of heel. Your mystery person boarded on the train, and hid on the roof to avoid attention. You witnessed all of this while perched in a tree. As the train started to gain momentum, you made your move and rushed to the train, only to grasp the back and flip yourself on a secure platform. You stayed there and every so often peeked on the roof, and kept your eye on this suspect. The suspect got off at central. You got distracted and lost them. Damn it, you cursed.

In half an hour walk you made it to headquarters. You immediately ran through the halls of headquarters, not giving anyone any sort of attention. You knocked furiously at Mustangs office door. "Who the hell is it? What's your problem?" Mustang yelled through the oak door.

"It's me, I have news." you spoke.

"Come in" he simply said.

To much of your surprise Edward was currently occupying space in the office. "Edward get out. Now. I have something to discuss with Mustang" you harshly told Edward.

"What the hell? Who do you think you are?" Edward spat, looking furious.

"Edward leave." Mustang sided with you, and for that you were grateful.

"Your taking this jerks side? Wow. Nice going mustang" Edward barged out of the office.

You waited for a moment to clarify that what you were about to tell mustang could only be heard between the two of you. "I think I found... I think I found the mystery person" you waited for a response.

"Who?" Mustang asked curiously.

"I don't exactly know, but tell your men to look out for a woman with blonde hair." You responded.

"Will do." He paused, "any other information?" He asked.

"Yeah. I lost them here in central, which means there close by." You stated bluntly.

"Hmm" he paused "your dismissed, thank you for coming, the smallest bit of information is helpful" he stated.

With that, you left the office and walked out of central only to be greeted by Edward pinning you against the wall. His elbow dug into your shoulder while his fist gripped the front of your hooded cape. "Who the hell do you think you are? Barging in like that? What's your goddamn problem?"

"Get out of my way pipsqueak" you said harshly.

"Who the hell are you calling pipsqueak?" Edward yelled.

"You obviously, I thought I made myself clear. I thought you were smart enough to get that" you burned him.

"That's it, you what to fight?"

"Are you even worthy?" You smirked, all Edward could see was the smirk on your face, your eyes were hidden behind the hood.

Edward was beyond furious at this point. You kneed him in the stomach only to escape his grasp. He instinctively wrapped his arms around the previous spot you kneed him. "What the hell was that for?" Edward groaned.

"I simply prefer my personal space, you were a little to close to my liking." You responded in a monotone voice.

Edward sent a death glare your way and caught you off guard by pinning you to the ground. "Heh. Personal space? Where have you been? Secluded from society?" Edward smirked.

As your hands were pinned above your head you slyly brought your knee up and harshly kneed him in the groin. Once his grasp was released you knocked him on the ground. In one movement of your wrist, a blade sprang out and you held it towards his throat. "What would you know?" You threatened.

"Hmmph" Edward looked to the side "I didn't know a man, as yourself was into other men." Edward sent the most annoying cocky smirk you have ever seen.

You blushed under your hood, although he couldn't see that. "Who said I'm a man?" You smirked back just as cocky.

"Your a girl?" Edward looked dumbfounded.

"Heh." You got off of Edwards and retracted your blade from his throat. "Of course I am." You stated.

"Do you by any chance know a girl by the name of (Y/n)?... She hasn't been around for a couple of years..." Edward looked down.

"Yeah." You decided to say.

"Really? Do you know where she is or maybe if she's around by any chance?"

This might have been one of the hardest decisions that you've had to make. If you said no, he would most likely find out that you're (Y/n) and be angry that you lied to him. If you say yes, will he also be angry? There's no winning at this point. What do you do? Why can you do? "Uhh... Well... I'm (Y/n)." You pulled back your hooded cape only to reveal your beautiful (H/l), (H/c) hair. Your (E/c) eye(s) sparkled from the moons light, your (S/c) glowed. It was as if time had stopped itself to admire your beauty. You looked Edward straight in the eye." Long time no see, huh?" You smiled sheepishly. "I was waiting to come back to you guys once I finished my mission..." You broke the eye contact you two had made.

"(Y)- (Y/n)?" Edward was shocked, this has been the first time in four years and eleven months that he's seen you. He was really happy to know it was you. He has been lonely and worried since you left. He needed your presence, it's what kept him going. To see you like this, it made him curious as to what had happened to you over time, he could tell that you've become more distant and cold towards others. He continued to speak, "why.... Why didn't you tell anyone who you were? I haven't heard a single word from you for four years and eleven months. How do you think that makes me and Alphonse feel, not to mention Winry?" He stood silent after those words.

You were silent until you felt two arms wrap around your shoulders. "Why?" Was all you could muster up in that moment.

"I missed you." He paused and let go of you, "I have to visit Winry tomorrow for a tune up in my Automail, want to come?" He asked.

"I- I don't know if I can... I'm still on my mission." You confessed.

"Take a three day break. Come on (N/n)" Edward persisted.

"I-I - I don't know... Let me ask Mustang." You replied nervously.

"Ok, sounds good" Edward revealed you his toothy grin "do you have a place to stay? If not come with me and Al" Edward offered.

"O-ok" you smiled softly.

You quickly ran back into the headquarters building, mustang approved of your three day break. As the night progressed you stayed with the Elric brothers, even though the tension they felt was little to none, you were beyond nervous. Out of respect you immediately took the couch and made yourself as comfortable as you could.

"(Y/n) why are you over there?." Edward questioned.

"Habit, And respect" you truthfully said, yet you forgot another reason, you haven't seen them for a couple of years, what does he expect?

"Oh." He responded with a lower tone. "Ok, in the morning we'll head to Resembool." Edward said "G'night."

"Night." You said softly.

With that you closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Although you felt as though someone was watching you, yet you brushed it off. Little did you know, your suspect witnessed all of this.

Well, I plan to prolong this just a little longer 😊

Strong Bonds (Edward Elric X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang