Who's Mister Berk?

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Later that night Lacey and Robin reported the letter to the police to help them find the stalker that's when they met James and Jennifer,

James said: What happened before you received that note.

Lacey said: I was posing myself on Wishbone to see which bikini was better on me, I got the pictures to prove it

James grab lacey phone real fast and felt some type of way

James said: You ain't a model
Lacey said: Nope
James said: You single
Lacey said:Yes Why
James said: Cause I Can

Jennifer said: Boy if you don't you get yo thristy Milla gorilla lookin like fat burger You might get a girl.

James said: You always want talk about sombody but then you want someone to have your back when you like what you see

Jennifer said: Boy bye anyway what happened after you were posing.

Lacey said: My friend Robin made me piss myself and wanted to post it all over.
Jennifer and James laugh and said: That was you!

Lacey said: What do you mean

James should here the video of lacey getting scared and then pissed herself while Robin was slowly walking away, Lacey turned around and saw Robin was gone and and left while grabbing a pair of handcuffs and the key of the table while Jennifer and James were laughing, Lacey was mad at that point and chased after running after her. Once lacey caught up to Robin, She hugged her and handcuffed her and just pushed her in the trunk and drove of. Meanwhile James and Jennifer were just laughed so hard the totally didn't realize that Lacey and Robin were gone so they watch the video again in the dark but suddenly they heard the door closed and turned the lights on and that's the last you heard of James and Jennifer

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