Seoul, Korea

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I didn't realize how much the weather would be different here than China, it's so hot ugh. Dad said this would be a good change since he's bringing us back to his home town, mom seemed a little nervous since her Korean had gotten a little rusty but dad reassured her. Henry was all for it, He'd been wanting to see Korea for a long time I liked seeing him happy.
I'm a little nervous myself, I have to audition to get into Chugye University, it's nerve wracking but mom and dad seem like I'd have no problem with it.

"Mèimei, mom said go help unpack." Henry said as I stepped out of our small home.

I looked over to the house on our left it seemed cozy and nice, dad said there were two boys a little younger than me that were going to attend the same university as me. It made me feel a little relieved but also scared because I am a mess when meeting new people. I shake the nerves off and go to the truck grabbing two boxes, they didn't seem heavy so as I took my first step and I almost fell on my face but someone caught me before I hit the ground, thankfully the boxes I was carrying were nothing breakable.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I'm clumsy. " I spoke out with a flustered face and I looked up and was met with chocolate brown eyes, god we're they gorgeous.

"No need to be flustered babe, I saw you were struggling, luckily I caught you before you fell, do you need any help?" He smiled kindly and picked up a box I had. I nodded and chuckled softly.

"I'm July by the way." His voice was very smooth and steady you could just melt at the sound of it.

"I'm Mei, nice to meet you." I continued inside our house to my room upstairs and he followed. We both put the boxes beside my doorframe and stood quietly.

"I don't bite, unless you want me to." He spoke out and I blushed looking down at my hands, oh dear he's one of those boys. I shook my head and tried to change the subject.

"I-um, well my dad actually told me that you're gonna attend the same university as me, don't you have a brother?" He nodded and crossed his arms leaning against the wall.

"Yes but he's gone to work at the moment, and yes but only me, he wants me to do better since I'm younger but only by and hour." He huffed out and rolled his eyes as if it annoyed him that his brother cared so much.

"Aw that's sweet, how old are you?" He looked at me and smirked and licked his lips.

"Old enough for you." I coughed softly at his words catching me off guard oh my he is a flirt..

"Well anyway thank you for helping me you should probably go I think Henry called me. YEAH I'M COMING HENRY! Nice meeting you have a nice day bye!" I scrambled to get him out the house quickly before I end up fainting from him flirting.

I wonder how his brother is..

// // // // //

hey guys! So I really hope you liked the first chapter of this, i'm sorry it's so short but I just wanted to get the beginning out of the way. Tell me if you want another chapter soon!
-Drea xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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