...New School, New Kids...

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I paced for a while, thinking back to the dream I had. For such a long time, I realised I had been planning and scheming since my mum died to let me live. I had never had a day to myself where I just rested. Well, there were times in my life where nothing existed and I lived in the moment but those were ripped away from me over and over again for many years.

I waited for Bella to wake up because, well, I didn't actually know why I was waiting for her. When I realised this I stopped pacing and I sat on my bed and stared at her. I was going to be sharing a room with her until I got 'better' which annoyed me quite a bit because I wasn't healing. Something had been done to me. My concussion had made me dizzy and nauseous. Above all things, the sudden recurring memories were crushing my brain. I felt agitated. I needed to feel like myself. I hated feeling like my past was controlling me. I didn't need this. I didn't need the pity. Nor did I need this situation to be happening because I was pressured for time.

"You get ready. I'll make breakfast so long," I got up and walked down the stairs.

"Morning, I made breakfast," Charlie said and I sighed.

"Thanks, Charlie," I smiled and so did he.

"I don't think you should go to school today," he added.

I went upstairs to fetch my keys for the bike and then I got a call. "Hi, mom," I said.

"Hi, sweetie. How was your first night? Did you get some sleep? Are you okay? Should I come over?" she seemed frantic

"First day was good. I didn't sleep. I've been up since yesterday but I'm okay. You don't need to come over,"

"How's your sister?" she asked.

"She's Bella," I said.

"I heard you were unconscious for three days," she stated worriedly

"It was just for three days. It's no big deal. I have to get going mom bye," I said then walked back downstairs. I managed to suppress the memories for a few hours until I knew what to do with them. I grabbed my helmet and I walked down the stairs to see Bella standing right in the centre of the staircase.

"You're not going to school," Bella said standing in front of me.

"Watch me," I smiled and I took a shortcut by jumping to the floor. I walked outside where the fresh cold breeze hit my face.

When I reached the new school I stopped the engine of my bike and I shook my hair out when I removed my helmet. This was school. It would never be the same as Mystic Falls High but it was a close second. I saw a group of kids standing and I studied them for a while. At first I just made sure that I was mentally okay and that I wouldn't try and kill someone today. A boy walked up to me and shook my hand.

"No way! This is the Kawasaki z800!! This thing isn't supposed to be out for 4 more months!!" a student said and I smiled.

"I have many connections," I told him.

"May I take a picture with it?" he asked.

"You lay a single hand on or so much as sneeze on it though. I'll kill you," I told him while walking away.

"Is she another new student?" I heard of one them say.

"She's hard to read. Her emotions. She's blank, monotone," a man part of their group said and I wasn't sure whether to be insulted or take that as a compliment. I put my keys in my jacket and walked past them.

"Selene Chasley Kate Swan. That's a mouth full," the secretary said and smiled at me

"And it's just Selene thanks," I said. I walked to my first lesson which was Literature and I saw a man that was part of the 'dead squad' once again.

"Welcome Ms. Swan," he said looking at his desk.

"Thanks," I said then looked for a seat. I had no choice but to sit next to the blond because there were no other seats. As soon the lesson was over he was the first person to rush out of the class room. A bit rude, I thought because he sat almost on the edge of the desk and didn't even bother saying hello. Not even a: 'welcome to the new school' kind of thing. Maybe it was a thing here in Forks where they didn't greet the new kids.

At lunch I opened my grimoire and I looked at a few things hoping I would be able to find out how to do what I wanted but so far I had found nothing. There were 4 books on the table and I was looking at them consecutivel searching dor an answer to my questions. "Hi, Selene?" I heard a voice say. I closed all the books immediately and I turned around to see that pretty girl from before.

"Oh hi," I stood up and held my hand out.

"I'm Alice," she said shaking my hand and I felt chills run down my spine and pierce through my bones. "I was wondering if you'd like to sit with us." She said her flawless teeth almost blinding me.

"Sure," I said unsure and grabbed my stuff shoving the big books in my bag.

"This is my family, Jasper, Edward, Rose and Emmett." I acknowledged them all with a friendly 'hello' and I got cold chills from all of them. .

"So where did you transfer from?" Emmett asked.

"Phoenix," I replied and tied my hair up because it was annoying me.

"Grey ombre? Cool." Alice said. Clearly they wanted to make small talk.

"Thank you. So is this your first year here as well?" I asked them.

"Yeah. So uh, why did you move here?" the blondie asked. Those were the first words she'd said since I sat with them. Why were they so interested in me?

"I needed a change of scenery and I was getting tired of the hot air. What about you guys?"

"We like the cold except for him." She said pointing to Edward.

"You're like my sister," I said and his frown had not gone away. The ringing of my phone had disrupted the tense air. They had no caller ID so I didn't answer.

"It's been nice talking to you guys but I have an appointment with the headmaster now so I'll talk to you some other time," I lied before walking off. When school was over I got onto my bike and when I was about to put on my helmet Rose walked up to me with a little more pleasant smile.

"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" she asked.

"I guess so," I said curious as to why they wanted to know me so badly. They were being awfully generous and it actually creeped me out a little. "Thanks blondie." I said and my phone started ringing again. I ignored it because, once again ,it had no caller ID.

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