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I had spent a good three months away from everything and everything had just gone down the drain. No one had done anything right which meant I was experiencing a major setback. While people in Mystic fall screwed things over for themselves and I had been going on a huntress rampage killing every vampire that I saw. It hadn't been my fault because sometimes I just had to do it, I had to relieve myself of some tension somehow and it didn't help that I could hear Rayna, constantly ringing in my ear.

I sat in the grill for a while just carving into the table for no particular reason but also just because I felt like it, boredom got the best of me and since I couldn't murder random vampires in the town, I had to keep my calm. Elena had her life linked to Bonnie who was running around all over the place trying to keep Damon in check.

Selene and LJ had gone away for some time together as a family while trying to help me plan for The Reckoning, Katherine had been avoiding me and everyone had evacuated town.

Lilly and Julian had done a great job, even though I wasn't satifised with the change I couldn't help but admit the fact that they were in charge of a spectacular town. I looked around and the town looked almost empty. No one worked here now. I knocked on the door of a close friend and he gave me an extremely tight hug.

"Where have you been?" he asked.

"I spent sometime on a murder rampage because of Rayna, then I went to New Orleans where I took care of some urgent business then I went to appease Elijah because of everything I have done to him," I told him and I sat down. "Nice place Donovan, why have I never been here before?" I asked and he smiled.

"Why did you come back? Vampires that aren't part of Julian's group aren't really welcome in town," he stated and I smiled. I knew he was implying that he wasn't too fond of the idea of me being in town. I sank comfortably in the chair and I put my feet up.

"Not all vampires are malicious and untrustworthy like Damon and Julian," I told him and I removed my beanie.

"Well I just don't like vampires in general," he said and I crossed my legs.

"Neither do I but Donovan you need to learn how to relax-" I said but then I got a call.

"The final preparations have begun," a male voice said and I swallowed hard.

"Good." I said and hung up," see you later Matt," I said and I walked out of the house. I went to my former campus dorm and when I walked into my room my stuff was gone. Everything. My photos, my clothes. I went to the Salvatore mansion and Lilly opened the door.

"Where are your sons?" I asked her through my teeth.

"I don't know, I too am trying to reconcile with them,"

"Where's Enzo?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said and I grit my teeth.

"Then what do you know Lillian?" I asked her.

"That you can't be here," she said and Julian walked to the door and when he saw me he smiled. It was sarcastic of course because he'd hated me from day one and I didn't blame him. I was wicked.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked and I stepped out of the house.

"What?" I asked.

"Where's the sword?" he asked me.

"Do you really think I would tell you?" I asked him laughing.


"Why would I do that?" I asked him.

"Because I know things you don't,"

"That's surprising, because you really know nothing Julian. Now excuse me I have people to find," I told him and walked away. I did a locator spell and found where Damon was. I knocked on the door of the house. I pushed him aside and walked into the house. Everyone looked at me. Stefan, Bonnie, Enzo, Nicholas, Ric and Caroline.

"Mom," Nicholas said and I gave him a hug.

"Nick," I smiled and he let me go but I knew something was wrong because he was supposed to n with his sister. "Where's Katherine?" I asked him but no one answered me. Which meant either they killed her or she left town and they couldn't find her.

"Where the hell have you been? You do this to us all the time! You disappear all the time without explanation and then you pop up out of nowhere after months!?" Caroline hissed at me.

"Well, it technically wasn't my fault. I went to New Orleans to sort out business with some very important people. But when I thought the people I could trust in Mystic Falls were doing their job I come back to find the town gone to hell. No humans, vampires trying to kill me. My son MIA, Katherine gone and my best friend gone. Who was stupid enough to let her escape?" I asked but no one answered me. "Great now that I come back and ask all the important questions no one wants to answer me?" I smiled.

"Mom?" Selene asked crying. I ran to her and I examined her body before I embraced her fully.

"What happened? Did they hurt you?" I asked but she didn't reply.

"What did you do?" I asked fuming. "Why. Is. She here?" I shouted at them.

"We needed to know some things about what you were really planning, we didn't know she was there too. We just wanted Nick,"

"Last time someone tried to hurt children, someone died, no, lots of people died. So I will ask you one more time before I rip out all your hearts. What did you do to her?"

"They did nothing. I swear," she said and I talked her down. "They want the Phoenix sword," she said and I scoffed.

"Don't worry it's safe, it's not on me because I'm not stupid enough to do that. But why does everyone want it so badly?" I asked.

"So are you going to help us with Rayna or not?" Caroline asked.

"I can't," I told them sitting down with my legs crossed.

"Why not?" Caroline inquired becoming restless.

"Because one of you here was stupid enough to let her go and I know it's not Nick or Selene. Bonnie now what did you hope to achieve by going to visit my dear old friend?" I asked.

"She thought she was helping a friend," Damon finally spoke.

"So are you going to help us?" Stefan asked.

"I can't help you," I told them.

"Wait what?" Nick asked.

"Nick, you know why I can't. I was her trainer. I raised her father, her. I taught them everything about killing vampires so it would be like betraying family. You guys are practically siblings you grew up with her. She protected you even though the very nature of what she was told her to kill you," I told him.

"Mom, she would kill us if she had the chance," he said and I grunted.

"Only if you get in her way. She thinks of you guys as the siblings she never had. If she had to betray me like that, I would kill her but she poses no threat to me or my family so I back down," I told her.

"Are we not your family?" Caroline asked.

"Caroline! What is your problem?" I asked her and she clenched her jaw.

"What my problem is, is that you decided to spend time with the Mikaelson family instead of your friends and family here!" she shouted and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I have to go find Katherine and destroy the sword so while I do that you repair this town or I kill Elena to give you some...incentive," I said.

"What?" Damon

"You heard right,"

"Selene with me, Nicholas look over everyone for me will you? Make sure Damon does what he has to," I told him before kissing his cheek.

"I love you guys," he said and hugged us both before we left.

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