Nash had been gone for a long time the sun was moving further and further towards the horizon.

I wrapped my arms around my knees hugging them closer.

The sun was setting now, the intense orange horizon clashing with the deep blue sky was striking.

The door slammed open making me jump I twirled my head around it was Nash. He had pizza boxes and a brown paper bag.

I was salivating I hadn't eaten in two days.

He walked over slowly sitting down with caution he set down the two boxes between us.

"I thought you might be hungry so I brought dinner" he grinned peeling back the top of the paper bag revealing a whisky bottle.

I grin back opening the lid of the pizza box taking a moment to admire it before we both took a piece each.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I took the first bite. It was so good.

I looked over to Nash he was watching me smiling to himself.

"What?" I asked slightly self conscious.

He just shook his head still smiling, I once again admired his looks, he was very attractive his dark brown hair was lightly tousled swept back off of his sculptured face.

He took one of his hands unscrewing the bottles lid with his long fingers and taking a long swig.

He passed it to me and I did the same.

It burned at first making my face screw up.

He chuckled taking another slice of pizza.

We ate both pizzas my stomach was at bursting point.

We passed the bottle back and fourth making small talk.

I shivered, the warmth in my stomach caused by the alcohol couldn't fight off the icy breeze coming from the windows.

He shuffled closer putting himself under the blanket with me.

My heart spluttered as he wrapped his arm around me.

Slowly I rested my head on his shoulder we both tensed up at this but we slowly relaxed, our breaths synchronising.

I drained the bottle of its last dregs. I was warm and a little tipsy but not full out drunk. I was kinda sleepy so I twisted my body snuggling into Nash's chest.

I listened to his heartbeat letting it soothe me.

I was just about to fall out of consciousness when Nash's voice pulled me up.

"Faith..." He said unsure. I sat upright looking into his eyes.

"Can I try something" he traced little circles on the top of my hand with his forefinger, I bit my lip nervously.

"Sure" I whispered.

He placed one hand very delicately on the side of my face stroking my cheek with his thumb. My breathing became uneven and my heart exploded. He placed the other hand on the small of my back drawing me closer.

His face was so close that our noses were touching lightly.

He touched his lips to mine ever so gently as if to test the waters. He pressed again a little harder and our lips moved together lightly.

He pulled away slightly to look me in the eyes, his were like blue fire burning with lust.

I wrapped my arms around his neck drawing him in again. We kissed rougher this time my skin was boiling, his hands guided my leg to wrap around him as my hands tangled in his hair.

We broke away my heart pumping. Our breaths were ragged.

I rested my head on his shoulder again, I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer.

I was so close to falling asleep that reality was hard to separate from faint conscious dreams. But I swear I heard him whisper.

"I knew it"

I drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep totally content.


aye look I updated 😂 thanks for reading please comment and vote 💕

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