What happens in the movies is true, time went very slowly from the moment I heard the click which may signal my death.

In the time it took for me to turn around to face my attacker, I felt as though it had been an eternity.

It was a young man. He had a shaved head, in place of the missing hair was an abundance of tattoos.

He was very skinny, he looked yellow and sallow, probably an addict.

His eyes seemed to be black or maybe the drugs I presumed he was on were making his pupils dilate.

I was frozen but he twitched uncontrollably, the constant spasms in his fingers made my stomach drop each time they hit the trigger.

I raised my hands slowly not wanting to cause alarm.

"Who are you?" He demanded. I tried to speak but I couldn't find the courage, my throat wouldn't work.

"Who are you?!" He yelled jabbing the gun in my direction.

"Faith" I squeaked. He was bearing his teeth showing the several gaps where they had been lost.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded again his eye twitching.

"I'm just here with Nash" my eyes were wide I could feel the wind burning them but I dared not blink.

Surprisingly, he chuckled. Cackled really. It grew louder and louder and he lowered his gun, I breathed in relief as his laughing got more and more erratic.

I huffed laughing nervously with him.

"SHUTUP!" He roared bringing his gun up again I froze, eyes beginning to tear up.

He walked towards me grabbing my throat and I screamed thrashing around attempting unsuccessfully to make him release me.

"Stop" he tightened his grip choking me slightly pressing the gun to my temple.

"Please, please stop oh my god" I bawled.

"Nash gets everything he deserves" he hissed in my ear. He began to sniff my hair slowly making me shudder in disgust.

"You see killing him wouldn't be enough, he wouldn't give a sh*t if he died, but now I'm going to take something far more important from him" he chuckled.

"You my dear" he dug his nails into my throat and I screeched.

He made the mistake of bringing his forearm In front of my face. I bit down as hard as I could without releasing, his grip loosened as he yelled so I twisted kicking him in the crotch.

I reached for the door handle but he was there. He spun me around he had his hands on my shoulders squeezing to tight.

He looked to my forehead where the large gash and bruise still lay raw.

Smiling he pressed a thumb to it with immense pressure twisting.

I screamed, the pain was unbelievable, my vision went black around the edges and I whimpered.

Next thing I knew I heard yelling, the door slam and a gun shot.

The last thing I remembered was the burning pain in my left leg and blood everywhere.

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