April Fools

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April Fools day. Definitely the stupidest holiday ever invented.

Like, what's the point? Oh hey, let's make a national holiday for teenage girls to fake being pregnant and scare the shit out of their parents.

But our fans sure got a kick out of it. Every year on Twitter, they would do something different. Changing all their accounts to match ours, unfollowing us, pretending we did something to really piss them off. 

But, I have to say, it surprised me a little when the calendar read April 1st, and Anthony woke me up bright and early by barging in my room and shouting a couple words that I later found would change my life forever:

"I have the best fucking idea ever."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and squinting at the light, groaning. "What the hell?"

"Okay, so you know how we used to make those shitty videos on April Fools? Like the fake news report and the Call of Duty thing?"

"Yeah," I responded, still waking up.

"And how we haven't done anything in years, so people think we're done with that?"

I sighed. "Where is this going?"

He smiled. "Get dressed."


After I had obediently gotten dressed and all ready for filming, I walked down the hall to find Anthony sitting in a chair set up in front of our good camera and lights. I sat down in the chair next to him. 

"Okay, what are we doing?"

"We're gonna come out of the closet."

He said it with such seriousness, such intensity, and just so out-of-nowhere that I thought he was serious at first. And my heart flipped inside out, and I wanted to cry and tell him how much I secretly loved him, but then I remembered what day it was. And then I laughed because the whole thing was just so ridiculous.

"What the fuck?" I said through laughs.

Anthony only shrugged. "Genius, right? God, their reactions are gonna be priceless."

He got up and hit record.

"Just go with it," he told me, before facing the camera, flattening down his hair, and clearing his throat.

"Hey guys, so I know this isn't a, uh, normal video, but... But there's something we've been wanting to tell you guys for a while now."

I nodded and stared at the floor, trying to do my very best acting job. If this was going to work, it had to look convincing.

"He finally covinced me to let it out," I said, doing my best nervous laugh.

"So, uh, yeah. I don't really know how to say this. So I guess I'll just... say it."

He cleared his throat and look at me. He just looked at me. And that one look made my heart melt. It made me want to kiss him right then and there and tell him that I did actually love him and wanted to be with him. But then I remembered it was all acting, and I was supposed to be looking at him like that too. But that wasn't really a problem because I think I already was.

"Ian and I... We're..."

"Dating," I finished for him. "We're dating. And... And we're very happy together."

Anthony nodded and turned back to the camera. "Yeah. And... we just thought it you guys should know."

And then, he grabbed my hand.

And I wasn't exxpecting it at all. And I probably had the most confused, shocked expression on my face, and I quickly corrected it and looked at him the same way I did before, and for a moment, I found myself lost in his sparkling eyes, and never wanted to leave.

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