The Stables

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Horses can sense when a fly is planning to land on them. It is of vital importance for them to be able to feel what the other feels, wants, thinks, does, and thinks it wants to do. They literally catch everything you send out. To be able to handle horses, you have to correspond with them. You don't have to be strong, or happy, or not scared; none of that matters. They don't judge, but they don't know what to do with in distinctness-like acting cool when you are scared or acting strict when you actually feel sorry for them. Then they don't understand you or trust you, and it will be hard to get them to do something out of their own free will. To be in balance, in tune with each other, you have to have your full attention in the now. Horses read your entire being. When you interact with them, you have to have the same picture in your head and heart as you are projecting with your body.

You can use one of our horses or you may keep your own here.

Arwen - The Cool Horse

Arwen is a very big and calm horse. He is one of those horses that gives you the feeling of being able to trust him. You feel like a little kid with dangling legs when you're on Arwen's back. He takes the lead and is very careful with you. He trots calmly and shows you the whole world. But if you start to interfere and tell Arwen what he should or shouldn't do, all his strength will turn against you. So if you can have fun and surrender to him, Arwen is the ideal horse for you. If you admit honestly that you find horses big and scary without belittling yourself or apologizing, Arwen will approach you in a friendly way.

Bella - The Soft Horse

Bella is hypersensitive and fast as lightning. She is the type of hose that you will you anything ask of her. She moves as the slightest instruction as quick as an arrow. That's fun, but that's where the hidden danger is too. She'll do anything for you even if it damages her own health or goes past her own fears. The challenge therefore is not to get all sorts of things done but to build up a friendship and a bond of trust. If you have the power to known where you end and the other begins, you have it in you to build a great friendship with Bella. If it gives you pleasure to think of the other to gain trust, then this is your horse. Together with you she can conquer the world. If you have the patience to let things evolve in their own time and don't try to force or control a situation, Bella will approach you very carefully.

Chico - The Jolly Horse

Chico loves to put his big warm nose on your neck, knock over wheelbarrows, and undo your coat. If you can manage to be a clear leader without overcompensating with aggression or going power mad, he will want to play with you with equal tenderness. If you become harsh and mean, you will be faced by a harsh and mean horse. He can teach you not to apologize for your strength and not to be ashamed of your clarity. If the boundaries are marked, the two of you are going to have a lot of fun. If you manage, or if you want to learn, to express your wishes with equal love as well as clarity, Chico will curiously seek you out and surprise you with his good nature, enthusiasm, and openness.

Dinah - The Dream Horse

Dinah is a beautiful white horse with a long, soft, flowing mane. You'll dance together through anything you can imagine. She will take you to your dreams and back. You are actually in between two worlds. Dinah is waiting for you as soon as you want to go explore your dreams. You only have to believe that it's true for it to be so. If you need a horse with you in feeling, then Dinah will be the horse for you.

Comanche - The Fire Horse

Comanche is a fierce and fearless horse. If you can manage to get onto the same frequency, you can empower each other, and together you are invincible. You melt together into an inhuman and unhorse-like creature who can achieve anything it wants. If you are not afraid of your own power, Comanche will be a suitable friend for you. If you possess an incredible energy and you feel like changing the world, Comanche will come to you roaring, stomping his hooves on the ground, and rearing up in front of your nose. If you can manage to take a firm stand amid the roars and legs mowing through the air, he will recognize his equal and want to be with you.

Elvira - The Primal Horse

Elvira can only be guided by intention and intuition. Bits and reins, saddles and spurs, and pretty steps and tricks are all nonsense. Being together in true unity is the only goal. Beyond fear for these awe-inspiring animals, beyond the gaining of trust, beyond the putting up of boundaries, beyond the honoring of beauty, and beyond the sparkling feeling of bundling powers is Elvira, in all her simplicity-to be together with you in a timeless and goalless, but certainly not senseless way. There's a primal horse in every horse, so it can be a stage you can reach with any horse after you've spent a lot of time together. If your only expectation from a horse is to form a new being together in whatever way it presents itself without preconceived expectations, Elvira will come to you.

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