Chapter 1: Not just a knife wound

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Katniss pov

"What the damn hell is wrong with that little mother-". Her screams and swears erupt through the room while I stare at the blood dripping from my hand. The knife falls from my grasp and I curse from the sharp pain spreading through my being as a sick feeling settles in my stomach. I've never been good with blood, and I believe I've been squeamish since birth, if that's even possible. Her voice fades into the background as my vision begins to become blurry and I can feel the sweat sliding down my forehead as my breathing becomes ragged and my legs turn weak. The only thing I can hear is my heart thumping as everything fades from existence except for the blood seeping through the cut in my hand.

I jump back as a hand lands on my shoulder and my eyes instantly lock on the figure before me. Her reds lips are moving yet I can't make out any words but fortunately I begin to get my hearing back after a moment. "Damn, brainless what's wrong with you? Who the hell holds the sharp point of a knife? Hey! Are you even listening? Your okay right?" her voice - which softens as she finishes shouting - is evident with both frustration at my stupidity but concern for my current wellbeing.

I nod at the girl before me, her wide-set brown eyes fill with panic and disgust at what must be my repulsive form. She keeps her grip on me for a few moments longer before deciding I'm stable enough to stand on my own.

She hesitantly lowers her arm and subtly wipes her hand against the right leg of her faded blue jeans before leaning down and picking up the knife beside my feet - now coated with my fresh blood - and placing it on the left of the counter, before reminding me to dispose of it when I get the chance. She then picks up my injured hand and cradles it in hers - something in itself that terrifies me as she is never gentle - and apologises profusely, while gently turning my hand to assess the damage from clutching a blunt blade to tight.

Seconds later she drops my hand and turns to her mother's medicine cabinet where she retrieves a first aid kit with its contents spilling through the sides, which was given to her mother by my mother. She opens it and ruffles through the items before turning back to me and placing the box on the opposite side of me. Leaning across me, she grabs a cup and fills it up with water. She then grabs a kitchen towel from beside the sink and puts it under my hand before slowly pouring the ice cold water onto my fresh wound.

I flinch and hiss as the cold liquid makes contact with my wound creating a burning feeling. The cut begins at my thumb - as I had my whole hand wrapped around the blade -and travels across my palm to my pinkie and pain shoots through me along with a stinging sensation every time I move my hand. She then proceeds to clean the cut with soap for five minutes before drying my wet hand, moving carefully around my skin's opening.

"It's your fault" I mummer as I glare at her, "you made me cut my skin and you made me bleed".

"Glad I was the first" she jokes, trying to lighten the mood but the idea disgusts me and my eyes widen as I wrinkle my nose in horror.

"Sorry, I haven't done this before" she says honestly before placing the kitchen towel and soap next to the knife and searching for another item from the first aid kit.

"Clearly", I say as she pulls out a bandage and raises an eyebrow, challenging me to make a comment again. Growing silent I patiently stand while she wraps the bandage around my hand before cutting the fabric with scissors and tying it off. I bite back a curse as the harsh material rubs against my sore wound.

" I don't know how to stop it bleeding and I don't want to put something on it that will make the pain worse...I really am sorry Kat" she says stepping back before smirking, "But you can't blame me brainless, I always make things bleed, but their normally animals... well most of the time".

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