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"Danny I think you might need stitches..."


"It's okay..."

His breathing was shallow, and he was in a lot of pain, but he had just enough strength to cover his mouth with one hand, the other reaching for Sam's. She grabbed his hand so he didn't have to move anymore.

That was the worst part. He has to cover his mouth so that any noises, if made, were unheard by Sam's parents.

"Squeeze if it hurts..."
Danny nodded.

With her free hand, she got out gauze, cloth, a needle, thread, disinfectant and some bandages.

When she got out the cloth, Danny tensed. She started to gently wipe away the bloody ectoplasm around his chest. She poured a few drops of disinfectant onto the gauze, and carefully cleaned his cut. She heard Danny take a deep breath and gently squeeze her hand. The gauze was red, now.

"Ready?" He nodded again."I'm gonna need my hand though..." Danny whimpered, holding her hand tighter. "Hey... It's okay....squeeze this..." She handed him a Danny Phantom doll she bought the day before. He let go of her hand, looking at the doll. He gave Sam a neutral look before taking the doll and squeezing it, his hand shaking.

"Count back from twenty in your head," she instructed softly. "I'll be done when you hit zero. "Kay? Go."

Danny forced his eyes shut, squeezing the doll and counting back from the double didget number.

Sam made the first stitch with the needle.


Danny held back tears with every stitch.


He squeezed tighter, whimpering.


Sam was right below his collarbone, and she would've finished, if he didn't start bleeding again.


She wiped up the ectoplasm with the cloth, Danny whimpering louder, even if it's against his hand. "Shhh... Keep counting..."


She kept stitching, trying to get it over with as fast as possible.


She wrapped bandages around his abdomen, finishing.


"Done, it's over now." She said, relieving Dan from his pain. (Ish)

Danny moved his hand back to his side, panting, and letting a few tears fall. "I... Wish you had anesthetics..." He sat up slowly.

"Me too..." She replied, moving up next to Danny and giving him a gentle side hug.

He kept panting, the top half of his suit still around his waist.

"What about my other cuts?"

Bandages (Danny Phantom)Where stories live. Discover now