Chapter 4 - Why Does It Feel So Right?

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I was walking down a long, steep, dark corridor. I walked, sometimes tripping on stones that rose from the ground. What was this place? I continued to walk until I was in an opening, Finn laid out before me. "Finn!" I screamed. I tried to move but my feet were stuck to the ground. A shadow came out of the ground, taking the form of a man. It kneeled down before Finn and took out a knife. Finn turned his head to me and said something I couldn't make out. It brought the knife down, passing through his heart. "Finn!" I screamed dropping to the ground. I was alone in the dark.

I felt a nudge and woke with a start. "You ok Y/N? You seemed to be having a bad dream..." Finn said looking back to the road. We were the only ones out at this hour. "Sorry, no I'm fine it was just a dream." I reassured him, glad he was beside me. We continued the drive in silence and in darkness. "We'll be there in about an hour." Finn informed while taking a left. I turned on the radio to have One Direction's song blasting out into the car.

Let's go crazy crazy crazy

Till we see the sun

I know we only met

But let's pretend its love!

A smile crept on my face as I noticed that Finn was singing along. "I didn't know you liked them!" I teased as the song finished. "Marcus and Alfie have been playing their music non stop you know!" Finn replied grinning.

Finn's POV

I could hear the shore reach out and pull back. It was so relaxing not to have anything on my mind. I slowly got up to notice that the sun was up high in the sky. It's probably noon by now... I wonder if Y/N is up? If she is, we could go into town and buy clothes. When we left, we hadn't packed a thing. We just left. I walked into the hallway to be greeted by a fully dressed Y/N. "So your up!" She greeted me with her signature smile. "Yeah, I just woke up and I was about to see if you were still sleeping! Guess not." I smiled back following her downstairs. "This beach house really is gorgeous! I can believe you never told me you had one!" She said looking out the patio door. "Well the subject never really came up now did it?" I answered, walking up behind her.


I put a hand on the patio's door frame and looked out into the wide blue ocean. It was gorgeous. I was so captivated by the view that I barely noticed Finn behind me. He placed his hand on mine and his other arm around my waist to then rest his chin on my head. I looked up to see that his eyes were looking at me. "What are you looking at?" I asked my heart starting to accelerate. "Nothing." He smiled, responding simply. I turned back to the ocean, my mind not able to concentrate on anything other than Finn's hand on mine or the feel of his arm on my waist. My heart pounded at the thought of him so close to me. Maybe it was because he was Jack's brother? But if it was that, why did it feel so right?

Finn's POV

Y/N turned back to the view of the ocean. I could feel my heart pound through my chest. I wonder if she felt it? I wonder if she shared the feeling? I felt like I was betraying Jack but I ignored the it. This just felt so right.

A/N any girls getting feels for Finn? Yes? No? Maybe? I swear I was while writing this! I hope you like it and comment if you want to either end up with Jack or Finn! - Mel xx

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