Chapter 5 - The Sound of Waves Crash

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Jack's POV

It's been about a week and I haven't heard a thing from Y/N nor have I seen Finn. I was starting to wonder why Finn was so mad I mean I know what I did was wrong and all but I wouldn't think he'd ignore me, I'm his brother! "Jack. JACK!" Alfie called, getting me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I answered slowly going back into my daze. "Mate, you need to go apologize to her you know..." He said tentatively. "I know but she's not in her apartment and I'd ask Finn but he hasn't been home in the past week..." I replied taking a sip of tea. "Ok, I promised Finn not to say anything but I'll do it anyways." Alfie started, looking at the floor then back at me. I looked at him, urging him to continue. "Have you been thinking about why Finn's so pissed at you for what you did? More than us?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, he's never told you this but he's madly in love with Y/N." I stared at Alfie in awe at what he had told me. Never once had my twin, my brother told me this. I felt the emotion of betrayal and sadness creep into me. "He was going to ask you for advice on how to ask her out when you went straight out and asked her first. It really broke his heart mate, he'd known her for a couple months before and right when he was going to make a move, you stole her from him." Alfie continued, knowing that what he was telling me was of the biggest importance. "After you announced it to him, he came straight here and cried while all I could do was try to give him advice and serve him tea. He told me, I remember, that if he couldn't have her, he'd support her and he'd be her best friend. I don't think his feelings ever faded thought. I think that every day, every second he was with her, his feelings increased more and more." Alfie finished looking at me, sadness in his eyes. "That's why he doesn't want to see you. You hurt the love of his life." Alfie added, taking my empty cup of tea and bringing it to the kitchen. I couldn't believe it. I had hurt my brother so much and he never said anything. He just stood there and watched the girl he loved get hurt. Because of me. I had to make this right. I knew I might not have Y/N back, but I could arrange things. What Finn didn't know was that I truly loved her and I wanted to get her back. I bet they were together now and I had an idea of where...


Finn and I got back from the beach at around dinner time. We had spent the past few days being lazy, lying on the beach and playing in the ocean. I loved Finn. No. I loved having Finn around with me. He was my best friend. I loved Jack even if he did cheat on me. It was a drunken mistake... It wasn't his fault. But he wasn't that drunk. I remember seeing his eyes. The guilt crept into them instantly. "Y/N? You alright?" Finn asked, studying my face. "Yeah I'm fine" I smiled at him. "It looks like it's about to rain, maybe we should just stay in tonight." Finn proposed looking at the dark clouds creeping in the horizon. "I guess, or we could get delivery!" I smiled, taking the phone. Finn chuckled and left to go up stairs and change. Gosh he was gorgeous. Wait what? Did I really just think that? I can't Finn's my best friend! And I like Jack. I do.

Finn's POV

I got into my room, took some extra clothes and got into the shower. Y/N seemed really troubled... I think she was thinking of Jack again. Maybe she still likes him. It really hurts to think of that. I promised myself I'd be her best friend and support her. I'd just wish that she'd realize that she had someone right beside that loved her and that wouldn't dare hurt her. I love her. I finished taking my shower and as I got out, I heard the doorbell rang. I wonder what we're eating tonight? I got downstairs to find her in the kitchen serving Chinese food onto plates. She was gorgeous. I took my plate and we both sat on the couch looking outside. We ate in a comfy silence, nothing awkward, just the both of us enjoying each other's companies. We finished eating and she rested her head on my shoulder. We stayed like this god knows how long. It just felt right. She nodded off to sleep and I watched as rain started to poor. The sky, ink black, with cracking lighting ripping out of it, touching the water and then disappearing. Y/N snuggled into my chest, the thunder disturbing her sleep. I looked down at her peaceful face and couldn't help it. I approached my face to hers and...

Jack's POV

I was pretty sure that Finn had brought Y/N to our beach house in Truro. He better have not touched my girl. I got to the house, the thunder and lightning raging everywhere around me. I got out, getting soaked almost instantly because of the rain and entered the house. I walked towards the living room where I saw my brother sitting on the couch, Y/N snuggled into him, sleeping, but what made anger boil in me was the fact that he was kissing her. "What do you think you're doing with MY girlfriend?!" I yelled at him. He jumped at the sound o my voice and Y/N woke with a start. "What... Jack?" She breathed looking straight at me.

A/N I hope you like this chapter and I hope it's not too short!! - Mel xx

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