Part 2: Bad sense of fashion

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"Thank you, guys!!! You were great!!! Thanks for coming!" I said through the microphone to our cheering fans.

The lads and I went to the back stage to meet up with Simon.

"Simon," Zayn was the first to voice out , "How's the girl?"

That was when I remembered about the girl we left in the hospital - a private hospital to be exact, so that we won't have paparazzies outside. She was immediately brought to the emergency room.

Zayn was afraid to leave her there - we were all too but him most.

"She's fine. The doctor said that we can see her in the morning. She needs rest," Simon said as we walked to our caravan.


I don't know, why but I was relieved to hear that she's okay. I can't wait to see her in the morning - wait, what? This is what happens when you just broke up with your girlfriend.

Yes, I recently broke up with Perrie, my girlfriend. I told the lads a day after that and they supported me as much as they can but they all knew that I would never be the same.


When we reached our apartment, Zayn  went to his room without even saying a word.

Niall as usual, made the kitchen his home.

Louis was already on the phone with Eleanor.

Harry and I slouched down on the couch with our phones in our hands, going through twitter.

This is how we basically spend our two weeks off. Yay, fun -.-



The first thing I did when I was up - early, might I add - was call Paul and inform him to pick us up at the apartment and send us to the hospital.

We were now in the kitchen, stuffing our mouths with eggs and bacon that Liam made. Liam was the only one in our band who actually knew how to cook.

*Knock! Knock!*

"I got it!" I yelled to the lads and walked to the door and opened it. Paul stood there with six other bodyguards. Thank goodness, there were no fans or paparazzies.

Me and the lads got in the car. I was too eager that I told Paul to stop by a mall so we could get proper clothes and food for her. She probably don't like hospital food, I mean, who does?

Liam and Louis have volunteered to get some clothes for her while me, Harry and Niall get some proper food for her. And we all know that Niall can't resist food when he sees one, so, he packed some for himself too.

We were back in the car and to the hospital.


I don't know if it was just me or did Zayn seem a bit...excited.

When we entered the hospital, it was empty. Paul probably prepared everything before we came.

Paul guided us through the hall and to a room where the girl probably is.

Speaking of which, what is her name?


I followed Zayn into the room. The lads followed suit as Paul left us to it. She was still sleeping. We took a seat on the couch as Zayn took the one closest to her which was next to her bed.

Suddenly, Liam's phone rang. He sighed and walked out. It was probably Danielle. She's been calling him a lot lately.

I heard shifting and looked to see the girl awake. We gathered around her.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here. Where's Liam? What happened to him?" She fired questions at us.

I opened my mouth to reply but Liam came in just as she sighed in relief.

We gave her all a confusing look, "Look, I'll explain when I get out of here."

"We bought clothes for you. Why don't you change into it and I'll ask the doctor for discharge," Louis said, handing her the bag that held the clothes. He walked out with Harry to see the doctor.

"If you're hungry, we brought you food," I said, hesitating whether to give it to her or not because she looked like a girl who stays in diet.

"Thanks, just keep it there. I'm going to change," she said and walked to where I'm guessing is the bathroom.

"I'm going to inform Paul to prepare the car," Liam said.

"I'm coming with you," I said and followed Liam out.


I awkwardly paced around the room waiting for her to come out.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, she came out.

"Did you pick these out?" was the first thing she asked when she saw me standing.

"Yes- I mean, no. Liam and Louis did," I stumbled with my words.

"Explains it. They have bad sense of fashion - don't tell them I said so," she quickly added.

I nodded trying to keep in my laughter. They actually have a bad sense of fashion. She looks like she had been dressed by a bunch of nannies, "Alright, let's go."



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