Part 5: Olivia Power!

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I glared at him as he pointed the gun towards Liam, "Don't do it," I spat.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" he pretended that he didn't hear me and fired the gun, hitting straight on Liam's forehead.

"No!" I yelled. If only my hands weren't chained to a wall, I would've murdered him in the worst way possible.

I watched as Liam's head rolled down and he hung lifeless by the wall.

The man, then, pointed his gun towards Niall, "Oh, no, no, no. Don't shoot him. Please don't. I-" I stopped when I heard him fired the gun again. Niall fell to the ground.

He's dead.

"Come on, Olivia. Beg me!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the empty, dark room. He pointed his gun towards Harry.

"No! Please! No! I beg you! Please. Don't hurt them," I begged, tugging on the chain around my wrist.

Another shot and it hit straight to Harry, heart.

No! This is not happening!

I saw his gun slowly point towards Louis, "Why?! Why are you doing this?!" I yelled, tears flowing like waterfall, "Don't do anything to them! You can do whatever you want to me! Please!" My eyes widened as I saw Louis went limb when he shot directly on his heart.

"So, this one is your favourite, eh?" He said, putting the gun under Zayn's chin and making him to look up.

His eyes locked with mine, "I'm sorry," he mouthed, "It's okay."

I sobbed as more tears flowed. I shook my head at him, "Please don't do this. I'll do anything you want. Just don't do anything to him. Please, take me instead." I begged.

"I can't hear you, Olivia...," he dragged as he hit Zayn on the cheek.

"Please! I beg you!" I yelled, pulling the chain as hard as I could ignoring the pain around my wrist.

He pressed the gun to Zayn's forehead. I locked my gaze with Zayn, "Forgive me," I mouthed.

He mouthed, "It's okay," he managed a smile.

The gun shot echoed through the room.


I woke up, my eyes wide open. I looked around and saw I was in my room.

It was just a dream.

I touched my cheek and it was damp. I wiped away the tears. I looked at the clock next to my bed and it showed 2.36 a.m.

I stood up from my bed and walked out. I entered the room next to mine.

Zayn was sleeping soundlessly. I walked to the bed and got under the covers with him. His hands immediately wrapped around me. His eyes fluttered open.

"What's wrong?" he whispered, caressing my still damp cheeks.

"I had a nightmare," I whispered, tracing my fingers along the tattoo on his arm.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked, searching for my eyes in the dark. I looked up at him and shook my head, "Okay."

I snuggled closer to him, feeling his heat radiate from his bare chest, warming me. His arms wrapped around me and held me to him tightly. He rested his chin on my head and we fell asleep like that.






"Yes?" he said finally looking at me from his phone.

"Can I have your phone?" I said jumping slightly in excitement on his lap.

"You gotta figure out the pattern yourself," he said in a challenging tone.

I held my hand out, wiggling my fingers. He placed his phone on my hand and watched me as I tilted the phone in every way possible to look for his finger trails.

I beamed when I got the password right. Louis gaped at me, "How did you find out?" he asked, shocked.

"Olivia Power!" I exclaimed earning a laugh from them. I got off him and sat on Niall's lap who was seated next to Louis.

What's with me and laps today?

"Yeah, because I loved to be used as a seat," Niall mumbled.

I grinned at him and scrolled through Louis' pictures and saw that most of it had a girl's picture.

"Who's she?" I asked Louis, showing him the picture of the girl.

"Oh, that's Eleanor, my girlfriend," just as he said that, his phone starts to ring.

The caller ID showed Eleanor.

Speak of the devil

I gave Louis back his phone and got up from Niall and sat on Harry's lap.

"What's with you and laps today?" Harry asked, chuckling.

I shrugged, "Harry...," I dragged.


"Your phone?" I said, my hand out and wiggling my fingers.

He smiled, "No."

"Please?" I made the cutest puppy I eyes I could.

"That might work on Louis but not me. So, no," he said, firmly.

I huffed, "Fine. Be like that," I got off Harry and sat on the couch furthest away from him.

I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him.

He made silly faces which I had to bite my lips to keep myself from laughing and trying to maintain my angry face.

Just as I was about to give in, I saw Zayn walked down the stairs.

"ZAYNIE!" I exclaimed and extended my hands, bouncing on the couch.

He laughed at my childishness and walked over to me. He sat on the couch next to me and placing me on his lap.

Well, I was literally straddling him.

"Nice shirt," he said looking down at my shirt.

I smiled. I was wearing a black shirt that said 'Malik' and the number 93 underneath.

He eyed the number and looked up at me, "When's your birthday?" he asked.

"Ninth of March," I replied.

"Explains the number," he said, "So, how'd you sleep last night?"

"Much better," I said, smiling.

"You're welcome," he said, his chin raised high in pride.

I laughed at his cockiness, "Thank you."

That was when I noticed the guys were eyeing us suspiciously.

"What?" Zayn and I asked in unison.

Cote, please!

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