Happy Birthday

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                                                                              A Harry Potter Headcannon

Today is Harry's birthday,and Ginny got him a special present. He should home any minute now. Ginny gathered all the family in there house, so they could surprise Harry. Nobody knows what Ginny got Harry for his birthday.

He opened the door, and, SUPRISE! He's shocked, they eat cake, Yada yada yada. Now it's time to open presents. He gets a nice number 7 hand knit sweatshirt from mr. and mrs.
Weasley, a lot of candy from Fred, a gardening book from Nevle, and some Nargle detection glasses from Luna. Now for Ginny's present. Harry opens the box and finds a little pair of booties, and then a shirt underneath that says #1 DAD. Ginny says, " Happy Birthday Harry."

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